
1. eke out a living [one's livelihood]
2. to plod through your work
3. hard work;laborious work
4. You were hard.
你辛苦了 。
5. Working pretty hard.
挺辛苦的 。
6. toil at one's task
英 ['b?t?(r)]
美 ['b?t?r]
反义词 是 甜的:sweet
1.I took my sister to school on purpose yesterday morning.
2.I have to do my homework now.
3.The buildings are no longer there.
4.My father walks the dog every morning.
3.苦的英语怎么读用汉字表达As 矮子a呃 boy波以 and哎恩的 then怎 as 矮子an恩 adult哎的儿特,I哎 never内喔儿 lost落斯特 my卖 wonder万得儿 at哎特 the啧 personality破儿森耐里体 that再特 was哇子 Einstein爱因斯特纳 .He喝亿 was挖子 the啧 only欧里 person破儿森 I 哎knew怒 who 互had 害得cmoe看么 to凸 terms特么子 with 屋一子 himself 喝一么丝饿儿夫and哎的 the啧 world喔儿的 around呃让的 him喝一么 .He喝亿 knew女 what哇特 he 喝亿wanted 忘体的and哎恩的 he喝亿 wanted忘体的 only欧里 this力丝 :to土 understand安得丝但的 within屋一子因 hislims喝一子里么子 as矮子 human互们 being并 the啧 nature内乞儿 of呃五 the啧 universe于你喔儿丝 and哎的 the啧 logic拉几可 and哎恩的 simplicity丝因普丽丝体 in因 its衣此 functioning方可醒拧 .he喝一 knew女 there累儿 were 握answers安色儿子 beyond比样的 his喝衣子 intellectual因特儿赖可乞儿 reach日亿起.But罢特 this力丝 did底的 not那特 frustrate夫日啊丝特惹呃特 him喝亿么.He喝亿 was哇子 content 抗腾特 to吐 go够 as矮子 far发 as矮子 he 喝衣could苦的 我把每个单词的中文相近的发音都写在单词后面了,你串起来念就行了 。
把我累的够呛,这可比翻译难多了 。
4.“苦中做乐”的英文是怎么写的The pleasure of taking pains这是名词形式 。enjoy in adversity这是动词形式
enjoy life though hard up enjoy in adversity enjoy。in the midst of sorrow and adversity enjoy oneself despite poverty find happiness in suffering find pleasure during [in spite of] bitterness to console oneself seek pleasure in sorrow seek pleasure under adverse circumstances (in sorrow) seize as much pleasure as possible amidst suffering and pain sweeten the bitterness of destiny try to be happy amidst adverse circumstances 这些都可以用 以上来源于: 《新汉英大辞典》