
1.抑郁症的英文写法怎样写英文写法是depression.抑郁症又称抑郁障碍,以显著而持久的心境低落为主要临床特征,是心境障碍的主要类型 。
预计到2020年将成为第二大严重症状 。但我国对抑郁症的医疗防治还处在识别率低的局面,地级市以上的医院对其识别率不足20%,只有不到10%的患者接受了相关的药物治疗 。
对抑郁症的科普、防范、治疗工作亟待重视,抑郁症防治已被列入全国精神卫生工作重点 。每次发作大多数可以缓解,部分可有残留症状或转为慢性 。
扩展资料抑郁发作的治疗要达到三个目标:1、提高临床治愈率,最大限度减少病残率和自杀率,关键在于彻底消除临床症状;2、提高生存质量,恢复社会功能;3、预防复发 。表现:1、集中注意和注意的能力降低;2、自我评价降低;3、自罪观念和无价值感(即使在轻度发作中也有);4、认为前途暗淡悲观等 。
参考资料来源:百度百科——抑郁症 。
2.抑郁用英语怎么说抑郁的英文:depression词汇解析depression英 [d?'pre?(?)n] 美 [d?'pr???n] n. 沮丧;忧愁;抑郁;抑郁症;洼地;低气压区例:When you have depression, I was your pistachios. 你抑郁的时候,我就是你的开心果 。
例:To the northwest lies a depression with clouds and rain.西北方向有一个云雨密布的低气压 。扩展资料近义词1、gloomy英 ['glu?m?] 美 ['ɡlumi] adj. 黑暗的;沮丧的;阴郁的例:Inside it's gloomy after all that sunshine.明媚的阳光过后,里面一片昏暗 。
2、recession英 [r?'se?(?)n] 美 [r?'s???n] n. 衰退;不景气;后退;凹处例:And if not, how long and deep will the recession be? 如果不会,那么这种衰退会持续多长和多深? 。
3.忧郁的英文怎么写忧郁的英文是:melancholy 。
melancholy 英[?mel?nk?li] 美[?mel?nkɑ:li]
n. 忧郁; 悲哀; 愁思; 闷闷不乐;
adj. 忧郁的; 悲伤的; 凄凉的; 阴沉的;
[例句]The only sounds were the distant, melancholy cries of the sheep.
只听得见远处羊群的哀鸣 。
It was in these hours of the late afternoon that Tom Mulligan felt most melancholy
傍晚这几个小时里,汤姆·马利根最为抑郁 。
The songs start soft and melancholy.
歌声轻柔而忧伤地响起 。
The general watched the process with an air of melancholy.
将军神情忧郁地望着队列经过 。
He fixed me with those luminous, empty eyes and his melancholy smile.
他笑容忧郁地凝视着我,闪亮的眼睛里空无一物 。
4.用英语写写你排解抑郁的方法It's normal and inevitable for a person, even a very optimistic person, to feel depressed, and of course I won't be an exception to that. Fortunately, I have my ways to get around my depressing moments and get on with my life happily again. These ways include writing diaries, listening to music, complaining to a close friend, working out, watching movies and shows, reading jokes, and doing craft work. All of these activties would effectively lift my spirit again and help me forget about anything that made me upset. There is one other way that's been proven to partly cure depression, that is, to eat. However, I wouldn't recommend this method to anyone who still would like to stay fit. Why start another possible trouble just to get rid of a previous one? 。
5.一篇排解抑郁的方法的英语作文60词左右,初二水平【抑郁英语怎么写】If you feel unhappy everyday, I have some ways to help you out. First,you can listen to music when you are upset. Music can relax you. Second,you can try do some exercises. Running can make you forget all the unhappy things. Also you can sing loudly in your room ,that is also a good way. 。