读书的英语短语怎么写( 四 )

80.Business is business. 公事公办 。81.Deliberate slowly,执行 promptly. 慢慢酌量,快快行动 。
82.Put your shoulder to the wheel. 努力工作 。83.Never do things by halves. 做事不要半途而废 。
84.In for a penny,in for a pound. 做事一开头,就要做到底;一不做,二不休 。85.Many hands make quick work. 人多干活快 。
86.Many hands make light work. 众擎易举 。87.A bad workman quarrels with his tools. 技术拙劣的工人抱怨自己的工具 。
88.Diligence is the mohter of success. 勤奋是成功之母 。89.Idleness is the root of all evil. 懒惰乃万恶之源 。
90.Care and diligence bring luck. 谨慎和勤奋带来好运 。91.Diligence is the mother of good fortune. 勤勉是好运之母 。
92.Industry is fortune's right hand,and frugality her left. 勤勉是幸运的右手,世俭是幸运的左手 。93.Idleness is the key of beggary. 懒惰出乞丐 。
【读书的英语短语怎么写】 94.No root,no fruit. 无根就无果 。。