
1.论文中的英文摘要怎么写【论文中的英文摘要怎么写】English Abstract and Keywords Breathe in life are no longer unusual for normal motion, and breathing or panting通俗地说more for the purpose are necessary and sufficient to itch and purifying the blood and put the blood into the lungs breath air action or procedures, as well as the subsequent breath. Similarly, the breathing in Singing is also a normal and usual action can no longer, but the singing of breath and breathing life is different from singing for a very important role. Singing breathing, there are divergent views can not see because of flavor or touched, we can only be understood from the feeling on. Singing in the respiratory conservation and efficient use must follow the principle that the respiratory control. To learn how to control breathing and respiratory control rather than singers. Breathing singing good or bad directly affects the whole. Breathing from the living, but with the life of the great difference between breathing, therefore, to breathe for singing are the cause must be part of their training at the same time, is also singing the foundation can continue. Key words: singing breathing; respiratory applications; control; art songs; arias 。
2.论文英文摘要怎么写Local the Party paper as major media of locality , transmit party and country , Party committee of a higher level , voice of government, transmit local Party Committee and government specially in the Central Party Committee of implementation , the Party committee of a higher level and government's great principles and policies concrete measure, there are guidance and authoritativeness that other medias can't compare , so often become the focus that local audiences pay close attention to. But enter after the socialist market economy, journalism structure of our country take place a obvious one, enough to influence local the Party paper change , news report of result. Journalism has already developed into much varieties taking the Party paper as the centre, multi-level three-dimensional structure from a structure of party's declaration form, the newspaper in evening paper , city newspaper , life newspaper , specialized newspaper ,etc. doubles and redoubles, the network, this kind of new combining a large amount of transmission information fast of media of short information of cell phone at the same time, the foreign media enters the native country and seizes the market of native country. This kind of change and growth make audiences choose the information channel of the news to increase, the degree of freedom increases day by day. So local the Party paper irreplaceable status , news of information issue receive the severe challenge. So how strengthen local key competitiveness of the Party paper new period, become we want problem that solve urgently. Focus on this question to describe from content , form of the news report , journalists , reader's marriage partner and these five respects of market mechanism of the news report, is it can prove our country now local state of development of the Party paper and predicament that run into and for strengthen key competitiveness should what kind of efforts does it make to expect. Keyword: Local the Party paper; Core; Competitiveness ; Market; Readability; Affinity 。
3.论文中的英文摘要翻译E-commerce is simple, fast and low cost of electronic communication, both parties not met for various business activities. E-commerce can through a variety of electronic communication mode. By 2010, customer service, marketing, establish public services for the clients through word-of-mouth marketing, or make good service brand, attract many commodities, there is needed in the service, the service is good, should be a strong competition conditions. About B2C, popular is an enterprise to individual business model, and the rise of the Internet at present a lot of use of e-commerce sites such as: sales of consumer electronics appliances products, new egg, is in the jingdong daily life and the consumption of library website, have outstanding. CRM although just "e-commerce", but it is a subset of the customers on the core position, it is "new economy", "customize" the characteristics of the batch. Through the implementation of CRM, the enterprise must fill in the past, "homework" -- it requires more understanding and potential customers requirements, existing enterprise can accurately and timely judge competition behavior, requests the enterprise can reach catch the information technology, especially the changing requirements of enterprise internal management can adapt to these changes. "Detail decides success or failure" is a classic statements on the mall in modern enterprises, if the product, service and management of the details such differences to smile whole market, may make a big difference. 。