
1.工科生的毕业论文怎么写的这个大实验就是你的毕业课题吗?那论文太好写啦 。
1、引言(或绪论) 引言(或绪论)简要说明研究工作的目的、范围、相关领域的前人工作和知识空白、理论基础和分析、研究设想、研究方法和实验设计、预期结果和意义等 。应言简意赅 , 不要与摘要雷同 , 不要成为摘要的注释 。
一般教科书中有的知识 , 在引言中不必赘述 。2、正文 正文是核心部分 , 占主要篇幅 , 可以包括:调查对象、实验和观测方法、仪器设备、材料原料、实验和观测结果、计算方法和编程原理、数据材料、经过加工整理的图表、形成的论点和导出的结论等 。
由于研究工作涉及的学科、选题、研究方法、工作进程、结果表达式等有很大的差异 。对正文内容不能作统一的规定 。
但是 , 必须实事求是 , 客观真切 , 准确完备 , 合乎逻辑 , 层次分明 , 简练可读 。语句通顺、标点使用正确、不得生造词汇 , 尽量不使用缩略和简称 。
将这个大实验按上述要求写出来 , 论文格式问导师要 。
2.工科论文摘要翻译你看这个对不对 Turkey is to study the dynamics of the earthquake, wave machines and so on the basis of fixed-loads of soil deformation, dynamic strength and stability of a subject. The main research content of the soil can be summed up as the driving force characteristics of the soil dynamic response and stability of the soil and the soil, as well as the driving force of the three technical aspects of testing. Offshore drilling platforms, dams, housing, such as earthquake, the soil are subject to cyclic loading, in order to prevent its destruction by force, must be the foundation of the dynamic properties of soil testing research. Dynamic elastic modulus E and dynamic shear modulus G is the characterization of the soil dynamic deformation of the important parameters of the main factors include: the initial stress of soil, and nature of the soil itself, the nature of the power load, and so on. As a result, the adoption of the actual test simulation environment to study the changes in the characteristics and value characteristics is necessary. Soil dynamics gradually in-depth study, the test can not be separated from the continuous development of equipment. Indoor testing technology, including dynamic 3-axis device, dynamic torsional shear device, resonant column resonance Taiwan, centrifugal model test, and so on. In-situ testing techniques, including shear wave velocity test, bending element method, next to the power pressure test, and so on. This article used data from the test-the-art "Geo-static - 3-axis hydraulic power - cutting-twisting multi-functional instrument cut." The test device can simulate the soil conditions of the initial stress, such as in the initial principal stress factor, different stress than the initial partial principal stress and the initial angle, and so on, and the accuracy of measurement can reach the magnitude 10-5. To improve the dynamic shear modulus testing accuracy, for the most accurate access to dynamic shear modulus is essential. Through data processing, in-depth and systematic study of the Fujian and Jilin saturated loose sand fly in different initial conditions, the dynamic changes in the law of Poisson's ratio. 。
论文一般应有摘要 , 有些为了国际交流 , 还有外文(多用英文)摘要 。它是论文内容不加注释和评论的 简短陈述 。其他用是不阅读论文全文即能获得必要的信息 。
②研究的主要内容 , 指明完成了哪些工作;
③获得的基本结论和研究成果 , 突出论文的新见解;