
1. scene
英文注解:The scene of an event is the place where it happened.
例:The area has been the scene of fierce fighting for three months.这个地区是3个月来激烈战斗的现场 。
2. site
英文注解:an important event is the place where it happened.
例句:Scientists have described the Aral sea as the site of the worst ecological disaster on earth.科学家们把咸海描绘成地球上生态环境最差的地方 。
【在现场英语怎么写】3. locale
英文注解:A locale is a small area, for example, the place where something happens or where the action of a book or film is set.
例句:An amusement park is the perfect locale for youngsters to have all sorts of adventures.游乐场是年轻人寻求各种惊险刺激的绝佳场所 。
2.现场英语作文满意回答Dear TomI am very happy to receive your letter. I am fine these days but a bit busy. I am always busy with my study and there are lots of homework to do every day. I work hard and I am interested in all the subjects so I can alwasy get good grades. I often do sports for about twenty minutes after school because it's good for my health and it can help me relax. I am going to take an important exam so that I can get into senior high. So I will try as hard as I can. How about you? YoursLily 跪求最佳!! 。
3.第一次做现场英语翻译 怎么办啊呵呵 , 感同身受啊 。
跟你一样 , 我也是学语言的 , 不过不是英语 。第一次做翻译也很紧张 。
看到你写的 , 就特别想告诉你我的一些“经验”吧 。
要准备什么我就不写了 , 因为大家都是学了这么多年语言的人 , 老师讲过也好 , 自己也好 , 应该知道该准备哪些专业用词 , 在这里主要跟你说一下我的“心得”:
1.作为翻译 , 特别是现场翻译 , 最重要的一点就是要学会“随机应变” , 说白了就是会“蒙” 。这并不是告诉你可以随便说 , 只是当你万一有听不懂的一个词或几个词时 , 根据前面说的 , 只要在不影响大意的情况下(这个很重要) , 一带而过或者根据自己的理解说出来 。不要害怕 , 谈生意就要“以和为贵” , 千万别因为自己的慌张搞坏了整个的气氛 。你要努力维持这个场面的“和谐”
2.要有自信 。你要相信 , 你学了那么多年的语言不是白白学的 。要给自己暗示:自己绝对不会出现现场“无语”的情况 , 可以卡壳 , 但是决不能人家说完了 , 你一句话都说不出来 , 这样不光人家 , 甚至自己的自信也会被打击到 。
3.要保持微笑 。现场翻译 , 除了是“一部机器”还是一个“人” , 要时刻微笑 , 一是表达自信 , 二是表达亲切 , 让不懂中文的对方感到你可以信赖 。这样对生意的促成也会有好处 。
最后 , 我想对你说 , 每个人都有自己的“第一次” , 祝愿你的第一次现场翻译可以顺利 , 成功 。
4.求英语高手现场翻译,很简单的辛勤劳动 , 手工翻译 , 希望有所帮助 , 望采纳 , 谢谢 。Teacher Xu, my English teahcer, is a very beautiful lady. She has a smart son whom she is very proud of. In aspect of study, she is very strict to us. As a teacher with great responsibility, she will lecture anyone who sleeps on her classes. However, she is our good friends after classes. She likes listening to the music, and often plays some wonderful English songs to us. Besides, she also care of our daily life. For example, if anyone gets sick, she will be very anxiours and buy us medicine. We all love Teacher Xu.