
1.起居室英文怎么说起居室的英文是:sitting room; living room1、sitting roomn. 客厅;起居室短语a sitting-room 一间客厅 ; 客厅SITT Sitting-Room 会客室sitting-room 起居室 ; 客厅 ; 客 ; 客厅里big sitting-room 大居室sitting g room 起居室a large sitting-room 一个大客厅 ; 一间大的客厅 ; 大客厅 ; 一个大的客厅Sofa for Sitting-room 客厅沙发例句:I tiptoe from room to room, finding three bedrooms, one converted to a sitting room, and the same weak lighting in each. 我于是挨着每个房间转了一圈,找到了三条床,其中一条还挨着客厅 。
床头灯也不太明朗 。2、living room英 ['l?v?? ru:m] 美 ['l?v?? rum] 客厅,起居室短语:living-room 起居室 ; 客厅 ; 居室 ; 日常生活室living g room 客厅 ; 起居室living-room E 起居室 ; 客厅living-room culture 居室文化living&room 客厅Living Utensil Room 生活区洁具间例句:We were sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV.我们那时正坐在起居室的沙发上看电视 。
扩展资料:room英 [ru?m; r?m] 美 [ru?m,r?m] n. 房间;空间;余地;机会;房间里所有的人vt. 为…提供住处;租房,合住;投宿,住宿;留…住宿vi. 居住;住宿n. (英)鲁姆(人名);(俄)罗姆(人名)短语:room temperature 室温;常温(约20摄氏度)living room 客厅,起居室at room temperature 在室温下dining room 餐厅conference room 会议室,会议厅例句:He shoved me back out of the room. 他把我从房间里推了出来 。
drawing room∶装饰布置用于接待客人的大厅 。
【起居室的英语怎么写】living room
front room:起居室,客厅:私人住宅里的房间,用于一般的社交或休闲活动 。
1. They were conversing in the parlor 。他们正在客厅谈话 。
2. Introduce a guest into the parlor 。把客人领进客厅 。
3. a saloon carcoach。客厅式车箱,轿车 。
4. A parlor mirror 。客厅用落地大镜 。
5. Shall we have a chat in the sitting room over the tea for a while?我们在客厅呆一会儿,喝茶聊天好吗?
6. On the wall of the parlor was splashed his certificate of merit 。在客厅的墙上高悬着他的奖状 。
7. And looking round the little almost empty drawing-room, he had asked her what she was going to do now 。他把那间几乎是环堵萧然的小客厅稍稍扫视一下,就问她现在有什么打算 。

