
1.Business proposal范文Dear Mr. Adams:
Your name was given to us by Korea International Trade Association in your city as one of leading importer of silk product in the United States.
We are a leading manufacturer and exporter of the products in Korea. We produce all kinds of silk products including 100% silk scarves and neckties, using the latest computerized manufacturing facilities.
Our products are highly accepted in Japan, the Middle East, Spain, U.K., Germany and France.
In order to diversify our existing market, we would like to supply our high quality products to you on favorable terms. Upon receipt of your detailed patterns or samples, we can send you our samples with competitive prices.
As to our credit standing, we refer you to the Korea Exchange Bank, or the Kookmin Bank, Myung-dong branch.
We are looking forward to your early reply.
我们是通过韩国国际贸易协会得知您的名字的 , 他们把你们作为在美国的从我国进口丝绸制品的主要进口商之一介绍给我们 。
我们是一个在韩国的领先的丝绸制品的制造商和出口商 。我们利用最新的电脑化生产设备生产各类丝绸制品 , 包括100%的真丝围巾和领带 。
我们的产品在日本 , 中东 , 西班牙 , 英国 , 德国和法国都得到了高度的认可 。
为了扩大我们的现有的市场 , 我们愿意在优惠的条款下给您供应我们高质量的产品 。在收到您的详细的模式和样品的情况下 , 我们能够邮寄给您我们的样品和提供给您我们最有竞争力的价格 。
至于我们的信誉 , 我们建议您可以去韩国外汇银行 , 或者国民银行 , 明博洞支行调查 。
我们期待着您的早日答复 。
2.翻译Business Proposal 发到我邮箱里不认识也看不懂 求高手I really have not personally met with you before. I was able to get your contact with the help marketing research base on your location. I would need your attention on an urgent business transaction, Owing to the urgency of this transaction would appreciate an immediate response from you to confirm the receipt of my mail. As soon as i get this response from you, I would furnish you with details of the transaction and the urgency at which we need to get it concluded.I await your urgent responseHello,I hope this mail finds you well. Aton Abtin is my name and i am writing to direct an urgent business proposal to you 。
3.我想问下, design management的proposal怎么写才1000字 , 我最短的都1500
而且1000字写不了什么东西 , 我们写的project proposal都是10页的 , 不知道对你有没有用
给你我的guideline吧 , 希望有用
Project Proposal
1.1 Project title, location and timing
1.2 Agency details
1.3 Funding
2.1 Brief background to Situation
2.2 Statement of Development Needs/Issues
2.3 How project will address development needs/issues.
2.4 Project Design
2.4.1 Major Development Objectives
2.4.2 Significant Project Outputs
2.4.3 Logframe
2.4.4 Project Activity Description
2.5 Project Activity Schedule
2.6 Direct & Indirect Beneficiaries
后面的估计你也用不上 , 1000字 , 没写几句话就没了
4.商务标书如何写你要写什么行业的商务标啊?一般看投标须知的要求 , 我做过的商务标是空调机组的 , 给你目录参考一下:PART1 总论
PART2 由法人代表签发的报价批准书;
Authorization Letter for this proposal by Corporation
2) 制造厂商授权书