
1.小鱼儿急用~搭配固定短语(词汇)翻译短句~小鱼儿拜托大伙儿了~对1 。
她的话实际上已经表明了他的态度 。(as good as) Actually what she said is as good as his attitude 。
【小鱼儿英语怎么写】 2 。从长远来看,买质量好的东西总是上算的 。
(to pay) In the long run, buying top quality goods pays 。3 。
他自以为在竞争中可以打败任何对手,但是他过分的自信使他失败了 。(to fail) He thought he could beat all competitors, but he failed because of his over- confidence 。
4 。书中多次提到美国独立战争 。
(to mke reference) The book makes reference to American Independence War several times 。5 。
如果你想学到一些东西,那你就应该自己参加到这项工作中去 。(to involve) If you want to really learn, you have to involve in this job 。
6 。对露营这种想法我从来就不感兴趣(to appeal) The idea of camping never appeals to me 。
7 。持该票,你可以免费划船游湖 。
(to entitle) With this ticket, you are entitled to free boating 。8 。
结果的成败取决于应试者们所做的努力 。(to lie) Success or failure lies in the efforts of examinees 。
9 。他得到这一切确实受之无愧 。
(to deserve) He indeed deserves all he has got 。10 。
只有少数几个人了解整个事件的来龙去脉(access) Only a few people have access to the whole story of the incident 。。
2.求一篇英语作文,作文有要求My speciality
Do you have any specialities? If not ,what do you do in the holidays ? I have many specialities .On weekdays ,when I study in school ,I play with my classmates .Sometimes I play volleyball with them,sometimes I play football with them .I think playing football is very interesting and exciting .But when I get home ,I like listening to music alone .Also I like reading story books.When I am not happy about something ,I usually draw some pictures though I am not good at drawing .On weekends ,there is no class ,I like shopping with my friends and my parents .
specialities can make someone happy ,so I like them .And I have many specialities.Do you agree with me?
3.我的梦想当潜水员英语写作蔚蓝的大海是无边无际的 。有时候它很平静,看上去美丽迷人;有时候它很凶猛,卷起阵阵愤怒的浪花,波涛汹涌,像要把整个世界吞没 。而我却想成为一名潜员,去体会它的美丽,去探索它的奥秘 。
有一天,我真正成为了一名潜水员 。那一天,我穿着潜水服,头上带着水用帽,背着沉重的氧气瓶,手里拿着水用的闪光照相机,开始了我的“海底行” 。
我扑通一声跳进海里,迁入深7万里的海底,开始了我的神秘冒险 。我看见各色各样的小鱼儿们,在那里自由自在地嬉戏,你追我赶,有的还在珊瑚丛中捉藏…… 。突然一只大章鱼吸引了我的目光 。大章鱼张开晃动的大手,将一条小鱼抓住,发出黑黑的毒气,想将周围的小鱼儿们都毒死 。看到这一幕,我吓的立即逃走了 。
游到了另一个地方,我又开始和小鱼们玩游戏、谈话、给它们拍照了 。突然感到身体被什么东西推动了,原来是一条蓝鲸扑过来,旁边的“小朋友”——我的小鱼儿们被它吞掉了 。我愤怒地向它扔出了一个钢叉,鲜血从它身上流了出来 。它的尾巴用力地一扫,把我扫了出去 。

