红烧肉的英语怎么写( 二 )

. Just when I was busy making process when the mother has poured into sunflower oil in the wok, when the pot issued a "crackling" sound when I saw my mother quickly put the meat into the pot, stir fry up and down, the flesh becomes crisp yellow, then pour Yellow Wine, soy sauce, sugar and salt and spices. Mother also specially cast a sweet scented osmanthus! This is because I want a traditional Braised pork in brown sauce sweet osmanthus fragrance.然后,妈妈马上把开关升至大火,盖上锅盖,铲一铲,再用小火焖一会儿 。
肉香已经迫不及待地从锅子里钻出来了!香气四溢,美味的红烧肉“新鲜出炉”了!妈妈一开锅盖,哇,一股甜甜的肉香味扑鼻而来!肉块亮晶晶的,透着诱人的光泽 。我迫不及待地夹起一块先尝了一口,味道真好,滋味独具一格,酥而不烂 。
“太好吃了!妈妈,你做的比大饭店的还好吃!”我边吃边夸妈妈 。只见妈妈得意地笑了 。
Then, the mother immediately switch to the fire, cover the lid, a shovel shovel, with small fire stew for a while. The meat has been eagerly drill out from the pot! Fragrant and delicious Braised pork in brown sauce "freshly baked"! My mother opened the lid, wow, a sweet smell of meat! Meat is sparkling, with attractive luster. I can't wait to pick up a piece of taste a mouthful, good taste, unique flavor, crisp but not bad. "It's delicious! Mom, you do better than the big hotel!" I ate and ate my mother. I saw my mother smiled proudly.午餐时,我三口两口就把一碗红烧肉消灭了 。我在厨房里还发现了一本《学做红烧肉》的书,原来,妈妈为了满足我这个“食肉兽”的口味,还特意买书学习 。
嗨,难怪妈妈做的红烧肉这么好吃呢!At lunch, I three in two put a bowl of Braised pork in brown sauce eliminated. I found a Book of "learning to do" book Braised pork in brown sauce, in the kitchen originally, mother in order to meet the "carnivore" taste, but also specifically to buy books. Hey, no mother do so delicious Braised pork in brown sauce! 。

