
1.红烧肉的英语作文怎么写,谢谢bouilli 英['bu:ji:] 美['bu:ji:]
n. <;法>;红烧肉; 清煮熟肉;
[例句]A giant bowl bouilli from my sister& being a carnivore as I am, gaving a mouthful of pork is second only to being in paradise.
对像我这样的食肉动物老说,吃一大口红烧猪肉仅次于活在天堂 。
2.红烧肉的做法英文版To make red meat, you need to prepare the following raw materials: pork with skin, onion, ginger, garlic cut a little, eight jiao, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, sugar, old soy sauce, soy sauce.
Methods of making red meat and burning meat:
1. Cut small cubes of pork, peel thinly sliced ginger, dry chilli with a cloth.
2. Oil in the pan, bursting with ginger, star anise and dried chilli.
【红烧肉的英语怎么写】3. Wait for ginger, star anise and dried pepper to taste, add skin and pork to continue to stir fry
4.After the discoloration of pork and pork, add the old soy sauce, sugar, and salt.
5.After minutes, add boiling water and boil the meat Simmer for 40 minutes until the fire is dry.
Precautions for making red meat:
1.Appropriate dosage The amount of red meat should be adjusted according to your own situation, dosage must be appropriate.
2. The material is correct Whether it is red meat, braised pork ribs or braised fish, choose the right ingredients.
3.Thoroughly stir-fried The most important step of braising is to fry before stewing, stir-fry must be thorough.
4. Flly colored When the meat is Fried, the fish needs to be colored.
5. Add enough water once After the meat is fully colored, add enough broth or water.
6. Medium light fire As for the stews, the fire was a small fire between two fires.
1.五花肉切小丁,姜去皮切薄片,干辣椒用布擦干净备用 。
2.锅里放油,爆香姜片、八角、干辣椒 。
3.等姜片、八角、干辣椒出香味了,加入带皮五花肉继续翻炒 。
4.五花肉变色以后加入老抽,冰糖,盐继续翻炒5分钟后,加开水没过五花肉煮开,小火继续炖至40分钟,大火收干汤汁即可出锅 。
5.完成,带皮的红烧肉就做好了,减少了好多不必要的调料,简单,味鲜 。
一定要注意控制红烧肉的用量 。
无论是红烧肉、红烧排骨还是红烧鱼,都要选对食材 。
红烧最重要的步骤就是先煎再炖,肉要先煸,鱼要先煎 。
当肉煸好、鱼煎好需要上色 。
肉充分上色后,再加入充足的肉汤或者水 。
至于炖肉的火力是,两头大火中间小火 。
3.红烧肉英语作文还要中文翻译红烧肉 Pork braised in brown sauce 我最喜欢的菜肴,恐怕非红烧肉莫属了,不管去哪家饭店,只要有红烧肉,我就会让爸爸妈妈点一份 。
当然,最好吃的还是“老妈红烧肉” 。I love the dishes, I Braised pork in brown sauce must go, no matter where the hotel, as long as I can Braised pork in brown sauce, let mom and dad a little. Of course, it is best to eat or mom Braised pork in brown sauce".红烧肉是妈妈的看家绝活,在我的要求之下,妈妈一大早就大显身手 。
先从冰箱里拿出五花肉,把肉利索地切成一块块的,再把肉放在滚烫的热水里,烫去血水,捞起沥干,妈妈熟练地摆弄着…… 。就在我忙着记过程的时候,妈妈已经在炒锅里倒入了葵花籽油,当锅内发出“噼里啪啦”的声音时,只见妈妈迅速把肉倒入锅内,上下翻炒,炒至肉色变得酥黄,再逐一倒入黄酒、酱油、糖、盐、香料 。
妈妈还特意撒了一把桂花呢!这是因为我想让传统红烧肉带有桂花的甜香味儿 。Braised pork in brown sauce is the mother of the housekeeping skills, at my request, the mother in the early morning display skills to the full. Take the pork from the refrigerator, put the meat neatly cut into pieces, then put the meat in hot water, hot to bloody, picked up the drain, the mother skillfully played 。