
1.英文的邪恶的怎么写1. sinister
【邪恶的英文怎么写】2. wicked
3. vicious
4. evil
nefariousness | wickedness | Belial | unrighteousness | improbity | malignancy | jadishness | lewdness | nowt | depravity | wrong | iniquity | maleficence | malignity | darkness | viciousness
1. 他终于露出了他那邪恶的用心 。
He showed his sinister motive at last.
2. 他的行为表明他是一个邪恶的人 。
His behavior showed he was an evil person.
3. 愿上帝洗净我的邪恶 。
May God cleanse my wickedness.
4. 这本书可谓是展现过去那个邪恶社会的图画 。
The book gives, as it were, a picture of the evil old society.
5. 天宫图上的动物没有一种被认为是愚笨的或丑陋的或邪恶的 。
No animal of the horoscope is considered dumb or ugly or evil.
6. 邪恶的女妖对王子施魔法 ,  将他变成一只青蛙.
The wicked fairy bewitched the prince and turned him into a frog.
7. 美德定将战胜邪恶.
Virtue will prevail against evil.
2.邪恶用英语怎么说,要名词形式的,在线等,急wickedness n 1. 邪恶;恶事;恶毒 例 All wickedness is weakness. 一切邪恶都是虚弱的 。
characterized by wickedness or immorality. 以邪恶或者不道德为特点 。Gross immorality or injustice; wickedness. 极不公正 , 不道德;邪恶 He repented of his wickedness. 他痛悔自己的邪恶行为 。
He has ceased from his wickedness. 他已不做坏事了 。villainy n 1. <正>邪恶行为;恶行;罪例 Where villainy go before, vengeance follow after. 罪在前 , 罚在后 。
Every sort of villainy has repeatedly been brought home to him. 他所犯的种种罪行业经屡次证明无疑 。
demon; devil; evil spirit 佛教称阻碍佛法及一切善事的恶神恶鬼
evil person 比喻十分凶恶的人
She was a monster. For one thing, she really enjoyed cruelty.
她是个恶魔 。一方面 , 她确实以残忍为乐 。
I think this is an evil spirit at work.
我认为这是恶魔在作祟 。
a woman , whose small daughter had an evil spirit , heard of him and came and fell at his feet.
很快来了一个曾听说过他的妇女 , 她的女儿被恶魔附身 , 她遂跪伏在耶稣脚前 。
Albert Fish was a true life monster in every sense of the word.
阿尔伯特·菲什 , 究其一生就是个不折不扣的真恶魔 。

