
1.英语作文怎样做炸酱面中式炸酱面 1 。
先买一袋干黄酱(一小袋即可,如果是两个人的话) 2 。回家把干黄酱倒出来(多少视你的食量而定)放在一个碗里 。
然后用水(生水就可) 慢慢调匀 3 。肉切成小丁(最好是有一点肥的,比较香)丁越小越好?nbsp;葱切成末,备用 。
4 。油锅烧热,倒油 。
多少视你的喜好而定 。当然不要太少了,否则粘锅 5 。
待油烧热后,放入肉丁,煸一煸 。6 。
待肉丁8成熟时,把调好的酱倒入锅内 。这时的火要调成小火 7 。
在小火上慢慢熬酱,用锅铲不断搅动,以免粘锅 。同时视酱的稠稀添加适量的水 。
8 。将切好的葱末倒入锅内,并打两个鸡蛋(半袋干黄酱放两个鸡蛋比较合适)放入酱 内,用锅铲搅匀 。
9 。待酱出香味,色泽变成油亮的微黄色时关火,把酱出锅 。
(熬酱的时间越长越好,因为就可以把黄酱中的油逼出来了) 10 。吃不了的酱(熬好的),放在碗里,上覆保鲜膜放入冰箱内保存,下次再吃 。
最好不要放在露天,以免生毛 。注意:熬酱时千万别放盐!!!因为酱本身就是咸的 。
以上是酱的方法 。以下是菜码的做法: 1 。
黄瓜洗净切丝,备用 2 。黄花、木耳用水发好,备用 。
鸡蛋、西红柿备用 3 。绿豆芽、芹菜焯好备用 4 。
锅放火上,放少许油烧热 。把鸡蛋放入锅内(一个即可)炒鸡蛋。
放入切成几瓣的西红柿,滑锅(这也是为了有汤,而且清口)再放入发好的黄花和 木耳 。放少许盐 。
因为酱会比较咸,所以所有的菜都要淡! 最后,下面条,面条煮好后,就可以拌酱和自由放喜欢的菜码了 。一碗美味的 炸酱面出来了! 注意:你可以稍微的在碗里的面条里放少许面条汤 。
因为手擀面盛出来后会比较 粘在一起,有一点汤就会比较滑,也会好拌一些 。翻译 Chinese jajangmyun1. To buy a bag of oil (a small bag can do, if two),2. The dry oil poured out home how much you eat (and) in a bowl. Then water (can), i.e.Slowly flour3. Cut the meat ChengXiaoDing (preferably a little fat, butyl 55x55mm are sweet)? NBSP; At the end of the green Onions, set aside.4. Pan, heat oil. Much depends on your be fond of. Of course, otherwise don't too sticky saucepan5. With oil heat. Add in diced anti-inflammatory, one.6. 8 when ripe, diced for the prepared sauce into the pot. When the fire will move into small fire7. In a small fire in GuoChan slowly sauce, stirring constantly, in order to avoid sticky saucepan. While the sauce added thick thin depending on the amount of water.8. Chopped scallion pan, and strain at the end of half a dozen two eggs (dry divide two eggs bag is more appropriate) into the sauceWith GuoChan agitate.9. For the sauce color becomes sleek fragrance, yellowish, when the sauce to a boil. Boil sauce (as long as possible,Because of the oil can be forced out) oil,10. With the sauce (up), in a bowl, overlying wrap in the refrigerator, next time again to eat.Had better not put in open air, lest raw fur.Note: boil sauce when don't put salt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because the sauce itself is salty.The above is the sauce. Below is CaiMa practice:1. Shred shred.rinse cucumber well and set aside2. Chrysanthemum, agaric water, standby hair. Eggs and tomatoes. Set aside3. Bean, celery Chao back-up4. In a pot, put the fire burning hot oil. Put all your eggs into the pot (a) scrambled eggs. Add a few disc cut into the tomatoes, slippery pot (which is also in order to have the soup, add hair and blue) flower and goodAgaric. Put a little salt. Because the sauce can compare salty, so all the dishes are weak!Finally, the noodles, below, can mix sauce and put CaiMa like freedom. A bowl of deliciousJajangmyun!Note: you can slightly in the bowl of noodles in a noodle soup. Because the surface hand will be filled outStick together, a little soup would rather slippery also good mix some. 。