
1.jpgoodbuy预报要写的很详细吗1).请选择仓库:日本邮政仓,默认即可,请勿修改 。
2).包裹单号(必填):卖家发货后一般都会发邮件通知您的发货单号,请您留意邮箱通知,邮件中会有相关的配送业者(快递公司名)和お问い合わせ番号/追迹番号 / 伝票番号(快递单号),快递单号一般为12位数字 。没有单号的包裹一般是平信类包裹,无需预报 。
【意go包裹预报怎么写】3).详细商品信息:即包裹申报内容,此处填写的商品名称、数量和价值将填写在您寄往国内的快递单上,供海关查验使用 。※如果您预报时填写了详细的商品信息,则提交发货时默认申报内容为您预报时填写的内容,可免去重复填写的麻烦;如若申报信息需要修改也可以在提交发货时再次修改 。①商品名称:包裹内的商品名称,不需要写明品牌详细,写明大类即可 。
例:花王尿不湿写尿不湿即可 。
如果包裹内有多个商品请点击绿色的加号即可添加多个商品信息 。
4).备注说明:若您需要免费的“预报核对清点服务”,必须在“备注说明”内写明包裹内具体的商品名称和数量 。否则包裹将无法进行免费的预报核对清点,敬请注意!若您不需要免费的预报核对清点服务,此处可以不填写 。
5).填写完成后点击【提交订单】,包裹的预报就完成了 。预报后的包裹信息会在【我的包裹】中显示 。
2.用英语写天气预报怎么写恩,格式我也不知道,没有格式吧?给个例子给好了 。你自己看着办 。
It's a pleasant 73 degree here.For those of you travelling tomorrow,here is a quick look at the weather for cities around the world.In Amsterda,it should be clear tomorrow with a high of 82 and a low of 70.Athen is also to clear with a high of 80 and a low of 70.Bangkok will be cloudy with a high of 90 and a low of 75.We also expect Beijing to be cloudy with a high of 96 and a low of 64.In Bogota you'll need your raincoats with rain expected and a high of only 56. At night the temperature will go down to 48.It will also rain in Cairo but much warmer with a high of 93 and a low of 73.Dublin will be cloudy,as it often is at this time of the year,with a high of 75 and a low of 55.Istanbul will be clear with a high of 86 and a low of 70 while in Moscow the weather will be cloudy and on the cool side with the temperature only reaching a high of 66 and going down to 48 at night.If you don't want hot weather ,stay away from New Delhi,where the temperature is expected to reach a high of 112 under cloudy skies and go down to a not very comfortable low of 80.For a beatiful day go to Warsaw where the skies will be clear and the temperature a pleasant 79 degrees going down to 59 in the evening.And that's it for weather around the world.
呵呵,终于打完了 。希望对你有些帮助 。
3.英语天气预报怎么写We are looking at a pretty typical summer weather for the rest of the week, with the temperature roaming around the mid twenties and sunshine all the way through the weekend. But the outlook for next week is pretty bleak, we've got a size 3 storm turning into a size 5 hurricane coming in fast, with it comes slashing rain and freezing wind. So be prepared. 。

