
1.“减肥”用英语怎么写减肥用英文:lose weight
vt. 浪费;使沉溺于;遗失;错过
vi. 失败;受损失
例:He lost his licence for six months.
他曾被吊销执照6个月 。
例:If you don't do it soon you're going to lose the opportunity.
如果你不尽快做,你会失去机会的 。
n. 重量,重力;重要性
vt. 加重量于,使变重
例:What is your height and weight?
例:I'm lucky really as I never put on weight.
我真的很幸运,体重从未增加过 。
1、lose的基本意思是“丢失”“失去”,指因事故、过失、不幸、死亡等原因失去拥有的东西等,含有不能再找回来的意思,也可指人失去了品性、信念、态度等或陷入沉思或埋头于某事物之中 。
2、lose还可引申表示人在比赛、辩论中输掉或某人浪费有用的、宝贵的事物诸如机会、时间、优点等 。
3、lose在作不及物动词时还可表示“(表)走慢了” 。
4、lose用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,有时可接双宾语,表示“使…失去” 。
1、lose oneself in 陶醉于
2、lose myself 失去自我
3、lose control 失控
4、stand to lose 一定失利
5、lose ground 退却
2.“减肥”用英语怎么写Dear Somebady i am writing to tell you my frieng liangliang who is a girl that used to be overweighe .Now it is surprised that she is very healthy and has a good build . i asked her how come she become so thin .she said she is very nerovus about overweight because it is very hard to play sports so she make up her mind to lose weight now this is the photo of her ,a pettery good lookingirl .she also said it is very hard to lose weight but if you try your best to do you will succeed one day And i know it is not hard to succeed if you do it 。
3.建议要减肥的英语作文怎么写Some people don't mind being fat. In some countries a round stomach is nothing to be
ashamed of. There is a West African saying:
"Laugh and grow fat." Other people can keep slim without any effort. But a lot of people do put on ,too much weight and don't like it. The question is, What do they do about it?
Some people put their faith in exercise. But the trouble with exercise is that it only works up an appetite. Others believe in slim pills and special clothes that make you sweat. It would be nice if they worked, but they don't.
The only reliable solution is dieting. But what sort of diet? There are the extremists who believe in a dramatic, thorough-going attack on their waistline by eating nothing. There is another theory that if you eat things like hard boiled eggs,apples with their skins on, and lean meat which are hard to digest, that the more you eat, the thinner you get. This is because you use up the fat in y
4.写一篇关于减肥的英语作文带翻译With the development of the morden living standard,more and more people are becoming fat. So losing weight has become a popular topic in people's dialy lives. Many media such as books,magines,newspapers are talking about losing weight. In my opinion,jogging and dieting are very helpful ways of losing weight. Jogging is the easiest and cheapest way of shaping the body. You can do your exercises whenever and wherever you like and you don't spend a lot of money losing your weight. At the same time,dieting has become a common way.Too. Many people have little food Therefore,lack of nutrition leads to weakness. So if you want to lose weight,you should do according to the condition of yourself and do some exercises properly 现代生活水平的发展,越来越多的人变得肥胖 。