
1.“旅游景点”英文怎么说tourist attractions
n. 观光胜地
tourist tourist flow
距离旅游景点 tsukiji hamarikyu ; langham place shopping mall ; prado museum ;
shakespeare's birthplace
显示旅游景点 Astrobiology
伦敦旅游景点 London Sights
意大利旅游景点介绍 Italy Attractions
越南旅游景点介绍 Vietnam Attractions
威尼斯旅游景点介绍 Venice Attractions
旅游景点疯狂性爱 Hottest Getting His Attention
汉诺威旅游景点介绍 Hannover Attractions
佛罗伦萨的维奇欧桥是意大利最著名的旅游景点之一,并且被认为是欧洲最古老的石结构桥梁 。
Ponte Vecchio in Florence is one of the famous tourist attractions in Italy, and considered as the oldest stone arch bridge in Europe.
“我们准备加强在旅游景点的安保力度 。.保证锋利的武器不被带入这些区域内 。” 北京奥运会官方发言人王伟在一个新闻发布会上说 。
"We are going to strengthen the security at scenic spots。to make sure no sharp weapons can be brought into the area," Beijing Olympic spokesman Wang Wei told a news conference.
毕竟,在沉重的脚步行走过程中,人体自身的能量在很多地方都可以被利用,比如舞池里,旅游景点等等 。
After all, human power is readily available in pretty much any area with heavy foot traffic, such as a dancefloor, or a tourist attractions.

