1.微电子方面英文资料 要有翻译 3000字Microelectronics is a subfield of electronics. Microelectronics, as the name suggests, is related to the study and manufacture, or microfabrication, of electronic components which are very small (usually micrometre-scale or smaller, but not always). These devices are made from semiconductors. Many components of normal electronic design are available in microelectronic equivalent: transistors, capacitors, inductors, resistors, diodes and of course insulators and conductors can all be found in microelectronic devices.
Digital integrated circuits (ICs) consist mostly of transistors. Analog circuits commonly contain resistors and capacitors as well. Inductors are used in some high frequency analog circuits, but tend to occupy large chip area if used at low frequencies; gyrators can replace them in many applications.
As techniques improve, the scale of microelectronic components continues to decrease. At smaller scales, the relative impact of intrinsic circuit properties such as interconnections may become more significant. These are called parasitic effects, and the goal of the microelectronics design engineer is to find ways to compensate for or to minimize these effects, while always delivering smaller, faster, and cheaper devices.
微电子学(Microelectronics)是研究在固体(主要是半导体)材料上构成的微小化电路,子系统及系统的电子学分支 。微电子学作为电子学的一门分支学科,主要是研究电子或离子在固体材料中的运动规律及其应用,并利用它实现信号处理功能的学科 。微电子学是以实现电路和系统的集成为目的的 。微电子学中实现的电路和系统又成为集成电路和集成系统,是微小化的;在微电子学中的空间尺寸通常是以微米(μm,1μm=10 ? 6m)和纳米(nm,1nm=10 ? 9m)为单位的 。
2.我是微电子学专业,以后想做ic设计,模拟方向,想知道这个职业对英【微电子英文怎么写】最好还是加强英语水平吧,首先教材上,想学模拟电路至少Razavi的那本得读吧,P.R. Gray的模电圣经得看吧,这两本现有的中文翻译都不怎么样,尤其是P.R. Gray那本,得自己读 。
技术交流上,大部分好的资料都是英文的,最好的会议期刊之类的也都是英文的,最新的技术和动态从英文到翻译成中文经历的周期就有点长了 。整个微电子行业国内发展应该说都很落后,积累严重不足,尤其是业界,所以好好学英语吧 。
本人本科到博士都是微电子专业 。擅长器件和EDA,模电略懂 。

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