
1.关于买年货的英语作文带翻译Chinese New Year! This is a festive day. Families have to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, some stick pictures, some set off firecrackers, some to buy necessities, some 。
The street came in an endless stream, some buy fireworks, some buy firecracker, sells clothes 。This is I feel the breath of the Spring Festival.The first day of the first lunar month in the morning, I'm drooling, daydream. At this time "or" I woke up from a dream of firecrackers. The smell of firecrackers into my nose, I felt the breath of the New Year I rubbed his sleepy eyes reached yawn, dozen ha ha, wiped her mouth saliva. Perched precariously to go to the toilet, I slowly wash gargle.I went downstairs, outside only is breath of the New Year. Firecrackers, the family put out, another began to put. Every family dressed up measures. Some people wear new clothes to relatives and friends happy New Year, some are guest in the home, some 。
I add is not exceptional also, I go to mom and dad happy New Year. I like the Chinese New Year, should be to receive a red envelope. And I was a "small money-obsessed", as long as money is in my hand, don't want to slip out of my hand. Whenever someone give me a red envelope, my mood is happy and fear.My mom and dad here and there around. Walked the whole day, and finally in the evening. Families of lights. Fireworks and firecrackers. Smell the fragrance of guess, occasionally my this "small cat" he swallowed saliva as a waterfall to stay, can't wait to eat.On all the dishes, such as we began to eat dinner. Table saw the chickens, ducks, fish, meat, on the dining table, with all. Perfume still kept up in my nose, and make me lick one's chaps. After finished eating dinner, our family sitting in the living room to watch the Spring Festival gala. I also heard next door neighbor and laughter from time to time.By twelve o 'clock, every family began to set off firecrackers. Someone also gave up the fireworks. This small firecrackers like a happiness, joy, peace, pass these to home; The frequent firecrackers like a band, music celebrating the Spring Festival; The frequent firecrackers, like a beautiful memory reminds us of many happy things. This yet, like a good wishes, are working in out-of-town relatives injection healthy body, happy New Year. The fireworks, is a miss, let the distant relatives and friends to come home for the holiday.过年啦!过年啦!这真是个喜庆的日子 。家家户户有的贴春联、有的贴年画、有的放鞭炮、有的买年货、有的……街上的人络绎不绝,有的买烟花、有的买鞭炮、有得卖衣服……这是我感到了春节的气息 。
正月初一的清晨,我正边流着口水,边做着白日梦 。这时“噼里啪啦”的爆竹声使我从梦中惊醒 。
爆竹的香味窜进了我的鼻子,我感觉到了新年的气息我揉了揉惺忪的双眼伸了伸懒腰,打了个哈哈,擦了擦嘴角的口水 。我晃晃悠悠地走到了卫生间,慢吞吞地洗漱 。
我下了楼,只听屋外都是新年的气息 。鞭炮声接连不断,这一家放完,另一家又开始放 。
家家户户都装扮得红红火火的 。有的人穿着新衣服去亲戚朋友加拜年、有的正在家中接待客人,有的……我加也不例外,我可爸爸妈妈一起去拜年 。
我最喜欢过年了,应为可以收到红包 。而且我还是个“小财迷”,只要是到了我手上的钱,就别想从我手上溜走 。
每当有人给我红包的时候,我的心情是有开心又害怕 。我和爸爸妈妈这儿走走,那儿逛逛 。
走了一整天,终于到了晚上 。家家户户灯火通明 。
又放烟花又放鞭炮 。时不时还会闻到猜的香味,把我这只“小馋猫”馋得口水如瀑布般地留下来,恨不得马上吃上几口 。
等菜都上齐了,我们开始吃年夜饭 。桌只见饭桌上鸡、鸭、鱼、肉,样样具全 。
香味还不停地往我的鼻子里窜,使我垂涎欲滴 。吃完了年夜饭后,我们一家人坐在客厅看春节联欢晚会 。