1.country fact sheet什么意思country fact sheet
The funds have also been used for rapid community improvement and stabilization projects throughout the country, the fact sheet said.
简报还表示,资金也已被用于吉尔吉斯斯坦全国的社区快速改善与稳定的工程 。
2.根据成绩单写英语作文From the fact sheet, we can see that the student got various responses from the teachers. As to Maths, he is hard-working.For English, he is thought to be good at grammar. But when it comes Chinese, the teacher thought he should have done better. Worse still, the science teacher considered him lazy in the subject. Perhaps he is good at analysing instead of remembering. He ought to keep his advantage in this and do better in remembering.
从成绩单里面,我们可以看到这个学生从不同的老师那儿得到了不同的评价 。在数学方面,老师认为他很勤奋 。在英语方面,老师说他擅长语法的掌握 。但是提到语文,老师认为他可以做得更好,更糟糕的是他的科学课,老师认为他很懒惰 。或许他更擅长分析而不是记忆 。他应该保持自己在此的优势并在记忆方面有所改善!
3.情况说明的英文是什么情况说明书: Fact Sheet
事后情况说明: debriefing
个人情况说明: a personal statement
情况说明信函: letter of representation
健康情况说明书: medical certificate
紧急情况说明卡: emergency introduction card
财务情况说明书: financial situation statement
情况申诉,情况说明: representation
情况说明,情况陈述: representation
项目产品清单情况说明书: Project Products List Fact Sheets
4.帮写一份英文情况说明,不要翻译器和在线翻译Fact Sheet
【factsheet怎么写】Dear Norwegian Consulate General in Shanghai:
Zhou Ziting, female, mother was unable to do damage together teams passport visa, can only do individual visa, because it is independent of a single group, is a friend of the group, hope consulate know,
thank you.

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