1.求查令十字街84号的英文影评84 Charing Cross Road is one of my favorite movies. Based on the memoirs of Helene Hanff (the book contains the letters from which they read throughout the film), this is the story of a single New York woman named Helene Hanff (Anne Bancroft) who builds a forty-year friendship with some people who work in a bookstore in England. The movie begins during WWII as Helene, a writer, is searching for out-of-print books and, frustrated at the poor selection in the city's bookstores, starts writing letters to the Marx brother's bookstore in England. Through her letters, she not only becomes a frequent customer, but eventually, becomes quite close with all of the bookstore's employees. And through their letters, they share experiences over the years, which the viewer witnesses through a juxtasposition of two different cultures: American and British.
I like the technique used in this film. The interaction between Helene and her British friends occurs only through letters, so rather than have the characters write a letter and then dub what is written, eventually, the characters just face the camera and say what they would have written, with the camera cutting back and forth for each others response at times as though we suddenly become the recipient of their conversations.
The film also has a wonderful cast with Anne Bancroft as Helene, Anthony Hopkins as the generous Frank P. Doel, Judi Dench as his wife, and Mercedes Ruehl as Helene's neighbor. It is a wonderful story.
2.查令十字街84号 介绍这本被誉为“爱书人圣经”的书信集 , 记录了纽约女作家海莲和一家伦敦旧书店之间的书缘情缘 。
它被译成数十种文字流传 , 广播、舞台和银幕也钟情它 , 那家书店的地址--查令十字街84号已经成为全球爱书人之间的一个暗号 , 三十多年人们读它、写它、演它 , 在这段传奇里彼此问候 , 相互取暖 。
有个朋友曾经说:人们到了英国 , 总能瞧见他们想看的 。我说 , 我要去追寻英国文学 , 他告诉我:“就在那儿!”
你们若恰好路经查令十字街84号 , 代我献上一吻 , 我亏欠它良多……
这本被全球人深深钟爱的书记录了纽约女作家海莲和一家伦敦旧书店的书商弗兰克之间的书缘情缘 。双方二十年间始终未曾谋面 , 相隔万里 , 深厚情意却能莫逆于心 。无论是平淡生活中的讨书买书论书 , 还是书信中所蕴藏的难以言明的情感 , 都给人以强烈的温暖和信任 。这本书既表现了海莲对书的激情之爱 , 也反映了她对弗兰克的精神之爱 。海莲的执著、风趣、体贴、率真 , 跳跃于一封封书信的字里行间 , 使阅读成为一种愉悦而柔软的经历 。来往的书信被海莲汇集成此书 , 被译成数十种文字流传 。有趣的是 , 此书译者便是台湾一位古旧书店的工作人员 , 他在未得知此书的版权购买之前 , 便凭着自己对《查令十字街84号》的热爱动手开始翻译其中的章节 。现在世间已无查令十字街84号的旧书店 , 但英国文学 , 古本图书 , 伦敦巷陌 , 书中的这些话题仍不断激起后来者的思念和共鸣 。广播、舞台和银幕也钟情于这本爱书人的掌上明珠 , 每年都有世界各地的书迷到伦敦查令十字街朝圣 , 渐渐地 , 《查令十字街84号》成为全球爱书人之间的一个暗号 。书中所选的资深书评人张立宪的文章中点到书中十分动人的元素:“我想 , 当爱情以另外一种方式展现铺陈时 , 也并非被撕去 , 而是翻译成了一种更好的语言 。上帝派来的那几个译者 , 名叫机缘 , 名叫责任 , 名叫蕴藉 , 名叫沉默 。还有一位 , 名叫怀恋 。”