
1.我是演说家节目 英语作文These days we often hear that (our living conditions are getting more and more serious because of the destruction of our environment ).It is common that (many trees and animals are near extinction, and the all-important food chain has been destroyed .).
Why does such circumstance occur in spite of social protects? For one thing ,(the population of the world is increasing so rapidly that the
2.我是超级演说家英文版短文我是超级演说家英文版短文ve seconds,time is often too late,besides,pedestrian crossing to three hundred or four hundred meters to the bridge or tunnel,a long the next step.This is a public transportation resources allocation,strong,weak injustice.Therefore,the "China type cross the road",just can't just say to laugh,laugh,because this word is telling the truth,because of this word and 。
3.我有一个梦想:成为一个演说家,英语作文范文I want to be a speaker
when I see that on TV the impassioned speech home speech language, my admiration will arise spontaneously, how I want to be a speaker.
【我是演说家用英语怎么写】I will be full of appeal with my voice spread to all corners of the country, I want to let the people live and work in peace and repentance through my speech, I want to let more people in the world because of my speech and become a positive person, I want to save those who are full of hatred, let them to flourish.
I want to use my hands full of wisdom, compose a song song of justice, I want to read those with justice, let me live for justice.
4.我是演说家总决赛中,梁植应评委邀请用英语说了一段语言的力量?When we are talking about the power of words, recently, the biggest war on this planet is not the war of economics, is not the war of military, but the war of culture. I want urge that every young Chinese people, we can tell the world that we Chinese people are so kind, that all of those false news, those news which want to make our Chinese people so evil are all wrong. We are Chinese people, we are kind people, we don't actually always argue with people. But right now, if they are hitting us with face using the words, I think it is now the opportunity for us to fight back with our language, with our words, thank u! 。

