
we,英 [wi] 美 [wi]
1、So what can we conclude from this debate?
2、I thought we had been burgled
我想我们被盗了 。
3、We heard the train coming
我们听见火车来了 。
4、I think that we will live together forever
我想我们会永远生活在一起 。
1、我们心连心 hand in hand we can ; Our hearts
2、我们手拉手 hand in hand we stand ; We hand in hand ; We are hand in hand
3、我们是 we are ; puppy love ; we're we are ; wir sind
4、我们完了 We're through ; We&rsquo ; We finished ; it's over
5、我们必须 We get to ; we must ; Observing rules we must
6、我们提供 We Offer ; What we offer ; What we provide ; What We Do
我不知道你们怎么样,但我是饿了 。
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm hungry .
他们向我谈到了孤立无助和公众的冷漠 。
They told me about isolation and public apathy.
我的感觉是它们完全失去了控制 。
My impression is that they are totally out of control .
2.过桥米线的英文怎么说啊过桥米线Cross Bridge Rice Noodle
The Story of Cross Bridge Rice Noodle
公元1806年,一名书生为求功名,在云南蒙自县一孤岛潜心攻读,其妻每日过桥送食 。
There was an intellectual, pursuing the success in imperial examinations, in Mengzi, Yunnan Province in 1806. So he slogged away and lived in an isolated island, adjoining the mainland with a bridge, to separate from any distraction and entertainment. And his wife sent meals cross the bridge every day.
一日,妻将熬好的鸡汤盛砂锅内,因疲劳过度,误将肉片佐料倒入砂锅,肉片熟,放入米线食之,鲜嫩可口,神清气爽 。妻喜,疾过桥送夫食,夫赞不绝口 。
One day, his wife, tired and incautious, mistook to pot the chicken soup with the meat for making sauce in the terrine. The rice noodle made in the soup tastes brittle and delicious; moreover, refreshed her mind as well. Surprised and joyful, the wife sent the discovery to her husband immediately and soon was prized by her husband without ceasing for her excellent cooking skill.
即每日食之且高中状元 。叹曰:吾今日之成乃贤妻每日过桥送米线食之缘也 。自此,人们就仿效此方法制作米线,且美其名曰:“蒙自过桥米线” 。
Then the intellectual hardly ever had other meals until he became Zhuangyuan. With a lot appreciation, he recalled, 'I debit my wife a lot for the rice noodle she sent cross the bridge in front of my reading house.' From then on, others imitate the way to make rice noodle and call it by a good name of 'Mengzi Cross Bridge Rice Noodle'.
传说很早以前,有一位书生在云南南湖的湖心亭苦读书,他的妻子每天都要过一座桥给这个书生送饭 。有一天,妻子觉得丈夫很辛苦就炖了只鸡放进土罐里准备送给丈夫吃,可是中途有事便耽搁了,等回来才发现土罐里的鸡还是热的,打开一看,发现上面有一层厚厚的黄油,于是就用鸡油烫米线给丈夫吃,书生吃后赞不绝口 。因为妻子每天送饭都要从南湖的桥上过,所以书生起名为“过桥米线” 。

