
1.《再见我的爱》翻译成英文再见我的爱 Goodbye my love 晴天我和你初见面 Sunny day I met you 阴天也许适合热恋 Cloudy maybe for love 雨天就从这里分别 The rain is from here 昨天彩虹带着笑脸 Yesterday, rainbow smile 今天泪水滴过床沿 Today, the tears drop over the edge 明天你有没有人陪 Tomorrow you have a person to accompany 永远原来不能永远 The original can not be forever 改变原来很快改变 Alter change soon 想念原来如此想念 Miss miss so that is what it is. 但是不见我们说好不见 But don't see we don't see 再见我的爱再见我的爱 Goodbye my love goodbye my love 有什么藉口有什么理由 What excuse have what reason 让我原谅你的错 Let me forgive your fault 梦醒了之后你转身就走 After wake up you turned away 把我留在记忆中 Keep me in your memory 走进没有你的房间 Entered the room without you 空气闻起来还新鲜 The air smells fresh 爱情早已经过了期限 Love had already expired. 如果能够重来一遍 If I could start again 时间停留在那一天 Stay on that day 我们还有没有机会 We still have the chance good bye good bye Good bye good bye good bye Good bye 。

