
1.英语 翻译(关于印刷术)First in clay engraved on the small squares of words, in a good fire burning hard, will these contented movable in paper bags. Secondly, put in a word on the iron, making a layer of wax and baking sheet, usually, iron, cooling of words is fixed in the iron. One last step is ink printing. 。
2.印刷术的未来英语作文80字左右Now let me tell you something about my English teacher Mr Lee. He is in his forties and he has a happy family. He is out-going and he can get on well with his students. He is always full of energy and her lessons are always well-prpared and clearly delivered. All of us like her lessons very much because he can always make his class interesting and lively. He often helps us with our English after class. He never somkes. He likes doing sports very much.He is always friendly and kind. He is not only our teacher but also our friend. He is truly a wise teacher. 。
3.印刷术的未来英语作文80字左右求你了帮我想想谢谢Printing was in ancient times China ancient invention, invention is welcomed by the people. Later, people once again improved printing, and then introduced tothe west, in the west is very popular. Until now the printing is indispensable.Because printing instead of a handwritten, allow people to save more time. Soin the future may be the emergence of new technology, but the printing willhave been using it. If not have been used, it would not be forgotten, because this is a great invention of our ancestors.印刷术是古时候中国的古老发明,发明后受到了人们的欢迎 。
【印刷术的英语怎么写】后来人们又一次改进了印刷术,再后来传入了西方,在西方很受人们欢迎 。直到现在印刷还是不可缺少的 。
因为印刷术代替了人们手写,让人们节省了更多的时间 。所以在以后可能会出现新的技术,但是印刷术还是会一直被使用下去 。
就算不会一直被使用,它也不会被忘记,因为这是我们的祖先的伟大发明 。求LZ采纳 。
4.火药.印刷术.造纸术.指南针的英语火药 基本翻译gunpowder印刷术基本翻译printingtypography网络释义印刷术:typography|algraphy凸版印刷术:Typography石版印刷术:lithography|chromolithography造纸 [zào zhǐ]基本翻译paper making网络释义造纸:papermaking|Paper|VoithPaper造纸厂:paper mill|Paper making factory模造纸:chintz paper|moulding paper|simile paper指南针 [zhǐ nán zhēn]基本翻译compass网络释义指南针:Compass|HL-214|Compasses指南针表:watch w/compass指南针表带:compass strap 。

