|铜仁路法式别墅里,史量才将《申报》推到上海发行之最|逛逛南京西路3( 三 )

根据1934年12月24日《大陆报》报道 , 吴市长又指出 , 上海本地的团体机构应该继续开展史量才尚未完成的促进社会福祉的任务 , 这些工作都是这位已故报人长期奉献付出的 。
复旦大学博士研究员叶冲在题为《报人办报—史良才的报人主体意识》的论文中 , 评价史量才看到了大众化报纸生存发展的另一条道路 , 即把报纸读者定位于人民 , 这在中国是前所未有的 。 在他之前 , 无论是外国传教士、商人、中国官员或知识分子 , 各派力量办报都是为了彰显本党力量或赚钱 , 而报纸作为大众传播工具的作用被淡化了 。
“从这个角度讲 , 史量才与《申报》开创了一个新的时代 。 ”他写到 。
At the quiet stylish garden villa at 257 Tongren Road, a mourning tune from a guqin (traditional string instrument) can be heard coming from the chic abode one wintertime day in 1934. The sorrowful lament is being played by the wife of Shi Liangcai (Shih Liang-ts’ai), a journalist, publisher and long regarded as China’s answer to “Joseph Pulitzer”.
Shi had been assassinated, on November 13, on his way back via the Hu-Hang Highway (between Shanghai and Hangzhou) by a Kuomintang secret agent.
“A significant person in Chinese journalistic history, Shi was a newspaperman with an upright heart who always tried to tell the truth to the public,” said Zhang Yaojun, a researcher of modern Shanghai history from the Shanghai Archives.
Among the Chinese and English newspaper reports of Shi’s death and memorial service, a small photo in a bilingual picture magazine named “Dazhong Huabao” was most touching.
The magazine published a photo showing the mourning hall of Shi’s Hardoon Road residence where his wife Shen Qiushui was seen in white attire playing guqin. It says “Mrs Shi is playing a mourning tune on a seven-string guqin before the body of Mr Shi. The tune sounded like sobbing and visiting mourners cried on hearing the tune”.
It is said Shi got to know Shen through her skills on guqin performance. Shen later burnt the guqin after the burial of Shi and lived a quiet, reclusive life in Qiushui Shanzhuang, a villa bestowed by Shi to her in Hangzhou.
(童毅影摘自《阅读南京西路》 , 小标题为编者所加 , 顺序有所调整)
有关“阅读上海”的系列报道可参看文末链接 , 去年国庆节讲堂 推出的一组上海建筑的故事 。
图源:新书《南京西路》 , 刊头设计:平渊海
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