China is consideredthe best among many countries by many experts for the establishmentof business because China has a large amount of retail increasingmarket and exceeding the power to spend. The benefits to starting abusiness in China are many according to the experts such as thestability of the economics politics and social statuses. In thisblog we share with you how you can start a business in China andprogress; along with the help we can provide you to be successful.
许多专家认为 , 在许多国家中 , 中国是最适合开展业务的国家 , 因为中国拥有大量的零售业务、不断增长的市场和超出消费能力 。 专家们认为 , 在中国创业的好处很多 , 比如经济、政治和社会地位的稳定性 。 在这个博客里 , 我们与你分享如何在中国创业和进步 , 以及我们可以为你提供的帮助 , 使你成功 。
Location of thetrade
It is a very crucialfactor because the economy of the different places within Chinavaries a lot. Of course the location of the business depends on thetype of business you plan to carry out. For instance places likeShanghai are very developed for trading purposes and they have lowtaxes. The place is very challenging in matters of doing business.
这是一个非常关键的因素 , 因为中国不同地区的经济差异很大 。 当然 , 企业的地理位置取决于你计划开展的业务类型 。 例如 , 像上海这样的地方在贸易方面非常发达 , 而且税率很低 。 这个地方在做生意方面非常具有挑战性 。
On the other handthere are some places that are not so developed in China but havehigh tax rates. The added advantage of these places is the feweramounts of rules and regulations. Experts suggest that you can followsome of the key steps in order to find the right place for doingbusiness and they are the regulations hiring challengers andsuppliers and logistics.
另一方面 , 中国有一些地方不是很发达 , 但是税率很高 。 这些地方的另一个好处是 , 它们的规章制度较少 。 专家建议 , 你可以遵循一些关键步骤 , 以找到合适的地方做生意 , 他们是规章制度 , 招聘 , 挑战者和供应商 , 物流 。
Establishment ofthe legal entity
The different typesof legal entities that are present to start a business in Chinainclude wholly-owned foreign enterprise contractual joint venturerepresentative office equity joint venture and foreign-investedpartnership investment. The WFOE and the RO are very flexible andhence are the most preferred ones among investors from outside China.
在中国开展业务的不同类型的法人包括外商独资企业、合作企业、代表机构、合资经营企业和外商投资合伙企业 。 外商独资企业和外商独资企业是非常灵活的 , 因此是中国以外投资者最喜欢的 。
Post the legalentity comes to the process of documentation of the nation whereuponyou should be aware that different places need different sets ofdocuments. Experts suggest that you hire any common service giver ora law firm such that your activities can be properly handled. Youmust be aware that the business has the option of being set up evenwithout the legal entity.
【贵安新区|如何在中国有效率地创业并取得效果?】在法律实体进入国家文件的过程中 , 你应该意识到不同的地方需要不同的文件 。 专家建议你雇佣任何公共服务提供者或律师事务所 , 这样你的活动就可以得到妥善处理 。 你必须意识到 , 即使没有法律实体 , 你的公司也可以选择成立 。
To start a businessin China following comes the process of hiring. It does not matterif you are hiring any recruitment agency for the purpose of settingup the company yourself but the process of hiring must be incompliance with the general common rules and regulations of thelocality or China overall. As a foreign investor you must considerthe following criteria for the purpose of hiring and they are thesigned written labor agreement the expenses behind the recruitmentprocess the essential gains and the funds of the hiring and thelist of holidays in the nation the yearly leaves and the periods ofprobation.
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