
求剑桥商务英语BEC高级作文准备方法!我是去年参加BEC高级的考试的,前几天拿到成绩表看到我的写作得了exceptional(就是最好的那一级) 。跟楼主分享一下我准备写作的过程吧 。
1. 图表题:要学会把信息归类整理 , 突出描写最高、最好或者最低、最差;如果有某两项持平了,也应该提出;假如同一项在不同的年份产生差异,亦应该提出增长了多少或者降低了多少,有一个数字就最好了 。在120-140的字数内,尽量归纳出每一个点 。
2. 第二部分是写实用文体的 。我当初看了一下三个不同的题目,最后选择了写report 。刚好我考试的题目是写一次调查的报告什么的,所以我就正好把我以前左case study的案例放进去写了,效果还不错!因为毕竟是自己调查过的东西 , 写起来很有实在感 。不过不管写什么内容 , 一定要加实质性的证据进去 , 例如调查数据 , 建议落实情况,如果是有设定一个某某公司的背景,也可以给它加一个什么title , 这些东西用编的也可以呀,反正改卷的人又不可能去调查你写的真不真实 。
3. 建议楼主把那些真题的作文题都完整地、按考试的时间要求写一遍,然后阅读后面的例文,多分析为什么这一篇是优秀的文章,那一篇却是有所欠缺的文章,然后好好学习当中的优处,加以利用在自己的写作中 。
4. 如果楼主还有时间的话,推荐你看一本书吧,叫做《新思维BEC写作高分快训》 。去年的时候我买了这本书,里面对于写作的各种主题有一个很好的归纳和分析,对BEC高级的写作非常有用 。
我参加过中级的同学说 , 口语部分时间并不是和规定的那个时间相符,一般都是不会让考试者说满时间的吗?
如果可以,很希望您能分享考试中口语与听力的心得和经验 。

【商务英语写作_商务英语写作】听力是我考得最差的一部分呀 。我觉得听力的速度跟真题第四辑的差不多,而难易程度就要看它的题目怎么设置了 。我觉得一定要争取时间看他的题目 , 然后圈出关键词 。第一部分填空的几乎跟录音原文一样,所以听仔细的话应该不会有太大的问题;第二部分是最难的,至少我是这样觉得 , 我觉得不仅仅是听录音讲什么,而是要理解它里面的含义,因为录音几乎不会明显地显出答案是哪个,所以要多练一下这些题目 , 找一下感觉;第三部分是听一个访问对话,就我所做过的题目,几乎就是录音里的一次问和答就设置一条问题 , 这一题我觉得也是应该要抓紧时间看设置的选项和圈出关键词 。听力的话应该多听,听完以后还要拿着原文再听一遍,然后搞清楚为什么自己出错了 。
口语的话我记得当时是两个考官 , 一个评分,一个问问题 。中级口语怎么考我不知道,就算是高级的口语不同的考场也不同的 。我那一个考场的口语是问了三个问题,第一个是关于你自己的,可以简略说一下;第二个就是关于社会现象的,最好把自己的想法分两点阐述,采取总-分-总的结构;第三个就是和partner讨论一个公司的问题,最后就是双方都提出自己的观点,不要单纯符附和对方,而且还要和partner掌握好对话的平衡,不要总是一个人在讲 。问问题的那个考官不重要,关键是评分的那一个,考口语千万不要紧张,敢于和两个考官有适当的eye contact , 然后不要考官一问就回答,可以在心中默念个10秒,定一定神 , 让思路清晰些 。前两个问题呀,你可以在网上找到一个套题,上面列举了很多考官常问的问题,自己可以按考试时间规定,练习一下,考试的时候有一张给你作笔记的,要好好利用,思考的时候在纸上列出key point,再在脑海中酝酿一下 。如果你找到一个partner就更好了,可以双方互相练习,也可以拿真题的discussion题目来练习默契!还是多点练习吧!

如何提高商务英语的写作水平?想要提高商务英语写作水平 , 首先书写要正确
我们在撰写正式的商务英语写作时,应尽量使用正规的语言;而当起草非正式的商务便条、商务便函及商务书信时,可使用较通俗的口语 。
商务写作离不开商务术语 , 一般常用的商业术语用字简洁 。商务英语写作应该特别注意措词和信息的正确性 。
同时商务英语写作要求内容书写得具体和明确,因此,尽量使用确定、具体的语言,直接了当地传递信息 , 说明问题,切忌笼统模糊 。
商务英语写作要注意些什么商务英语是一种特殊用途英语,它比一般的英语专业具有更强的专业性,它要求写作者不仅仅要具备英语语言的基础知识,还要熟悉商贸知识,能自如运用英语从事商务活动 。1. 不断通过写作练习培养英语语法的应用能力 , 重视掌握有关词汇的用法,以便能运切实用有关语法和词汇去写作 。这是英语写作的基础 。2. 通过大量阅读逐渐培养英语思维 , 并掌握一些写好句子的技巧 , 以便在把句子写正确的同时,不断培养用地道的英语把句子写好的能力 。3. 了解一些英语段落、篇章的组织和写作知识 。
商务邮件的目的在于传达信息或者说服对方,而不是参加作文竞赛评选,一定要让对方赞叹你的写作水平不可 。为了达到沟通的目的,商务写作做到简洁自然,不说空话套话 , 用现代商务语言去替换过时或陈旧的表达 。
商务邮件虽然是书面体,但它与一般的书面体(比如学术论文)不同 。现代商务邮件写作提倡语言自然、流畅,就像面对面的口语交谈一样 。我们可以在写作中融入一些自己的想法、个性和情感 , 让读者感觉到作者是一个活生生的人,而不是一台毫无感情的公文机器 。
一般情况下,在商务邮件中使用被动语态会显得语气生硬、官腔官调,使用主动语态则会更加有趣有力 。
动词名词化(例如将avoid写成the avoidance of)会拉长句子,而且会使写出来的句子不够生动,缺少人情味 。我们在写作时要尽量使用动词而不是名词 。
其实图标类主要就描述数据就好了 题目有要求可以适当对比 后面三选一最好是选REPORT和PROPOSAL 按照Introduction , Findings,Conclusion三部分来写~我也是下个月考试啦~一起加油啦~From the bar charts, we can see the changes in the ownership of mobile phones as a percentage of all telephones owned in Europe, USA and Asia respectively between 1993 and 1998 and a forecast about the percentages in the year 2003.
During the five years between 1993 and 1998, there was an increase in mobile telephone ownership in proportion to all the telephone users in the three areas. In Europe, 4% of the telephone owners were mobile phone subscribers in 1993. The percentage rose to 14% in 1998. In the USA, the percentage was 8% in 1993, the highest among the three areas. It increased to 18% in 1998. In Asia, there was a threefold increase from 2% in 1993 to 8% in 1998.
It is forecast that the upturn trend will continue in the following five years. In 2003, 18% of the telephone owners in Europe are estimated to be mobile phone users, compared to around 35% in USA and 28% in Asia.
Also obvious from the diagram is that Asia is the most rapid. In 1993, the percentage was only 2%, the lowest among the three areas while in 2003, it is likely to be 28%, almost 10% higher than that of Europe, the lowest among three areas.
According to the pie charts, there have been major changes in the relative size of the major employment sectors in Great Britain over the last 68 years.
In 1932, 25% of people between the ages of 16 and 65 were unemployed. Of those who had a job the largest percentage worked in the industrial sector, followed by those in the services sector (15%) and in agriculture and fishing (12%). Only 3% of the population was employed by the government.
As the diagram indicates, by 2000 major changes had taken place in the occupations of the working population. Most significantly perhaps, a far lower percentage of people of working age were unemployed. The relative size of different occupational sectors had also changed significantly. The industrial sector only accounted for 15% of workers while the largest employment sector was made up by workers in the service industry. Agriculture and fishing had also declined whereas the government sector had increased enormously, employing almost 15% of all workers. (164 words)
Report on three products’ profit or loss
The graph indicates the profit or loss made on three new products after their introduction to the market from February, 2000 to December, the same year.
For Product A, it began to make profit immediately after launching with 5,000 dollars by April. Then it kept going up and reached the peak of 7,000 dollars by August. Unfortunately, it started to fall slightly till October, and finally dropped to 2,500 dollars’ profit at the end of December.
Concerning Product B, it also gained profit as soon as it entered the market, and it steadily rose to 1,500 dollars by the end of June. After a boom in the following two months to 3,500 dollars, the profit continuously maintained an upward trend and reached a high point of 5,500 dollars, highest among the three products by December.
Product C is the only one that did not make profit during this period. In its first four months in the market, it could just make ends meet before the profit was to increase from June to August, ending up with 1,000 dollars. Then, it dramatically declined to 1,000 dollars loss in October, and recovered a bit in the next two month, though still not making profit.
Both Product A and B were making profits between February and December 2000, and Product C ended up with 1,000 dollars loss during this period.
商务英语写作Brief Introduction to Business Letters
Words and expressions:
Attention line
Subject line
Carbon copy
Full block style(齐头式)
Indented style
Section A Parts of Business Letters
Most business letters have seven standard parts.
They are letterhead, reference and date, inside address, salutation, body, complimentary close, and signature.
When appropriate, any of the following optional items can be included.
Attention line, subject line, file or account number, enclosures, carbon copy notation, mailing notation and postscript.
Letterhead designs vary with business organizations and occupy the top of the first page.
They may be positioned at the center or at the left margin the top of the page.
A business letterhead, usually printed, contains all or some of the following elements:
The company’s name , address, postcode, telephone number, telex number, fax number, the name of the officer or the director and even some picture or slogan for a symbol of the company.
Reference and Date
A typewritten date is necessarily included in the heading.
The date is usually placed two lines below the last line of the letterhead at left margin for full block style or ending with the right margin for indented style.
It is usual to show the date in the order day/month/year ( English Practice) or month /day /year (American practice).
Avoid giving a date in figures and abbreviations.
Inside Address
The inside address is typed directly below the date line at the left hand margin.
The inside address of a letter to an individual consists of the person’s courtesy title, name, business or executive title ( it should be used immediately after the name) and address.
When the letter is to a group, the inside address includes the full group name and the address.
Care should be taken to address the recipient exactly as on the envelope.
Salutation is placed at the left margin two lines below the inside address and two lines above the body of the letter.
Considered a polite greeting with which a friendly business letter begins, the personal salutation must be appropriate for the first line of the inside address.
If the letter is addressed to an individual, It is usual to use:
Dear Mr. Smith,
Dear Ms. John,
Dear Prof. Hobart,
Dear Dr. Walter,
The trend is towards Ms. As the courtesy title for all women regardless of their marital status.
When addressing a letter to a firm, Dear Sirs, Ladies and gentlemen or Gentlemen (American English ) would be used.
Attention Line
An attention line is considered a part of the inside address and it leads the letter to a particular person or department when the letter is addressed to a company.
It is usually between the inside address and the salutation or above the inside address ,as shown in examples:
Attention: Import Dept.
For the attention of Mr. Donnan, Sales manager
Attention of Mr. Standard, General Manager.
Subject line
The subject heading is regarded as a part of the body of a business letter.
Usually it is in the upper case or initial capitals/underline and placed between the salutation and the body of a letter to call attention to what content the letter is about. For example:
Dear Ms. Smith,
Our Catalogue No.2,
Opening Sentence
The first paragraph of the body is introductory.
It will always begin with reference to the previous letter received and provide an introduction to what will be discussed.
Here are examples as follows:
(1),Your letter of 9’’ September to our Beijing
(2),We refer to quotations of 8’’october and our mail offer of 1’’ December regarding the supply of Speedo swimming caps.
(3)We acknowledge, with thanks, receipt of your binding application form for the 76’’ international Exhibition in March, 1998.
(4),We are pleased to inform you that the arrangements have now been made to ship the cotton underwear under your Order no.456.
(5), We regret up to the time of writing we have not heard anything from you about the shipment under the captioned contract.
Complimentary close
The complimentary close is simply a polite way to end a letter.
The expression for the complimentary close should match the salutation.
It appears in the middle of the page and two lines below the closing sentence for indented layout.
While it starts at the left-hand margin for fully blocked letters.
Only the initial letter in the first word of any complimentary close is capitalized.
The signature mainly consists of the addresser’s signature, he typed name of his and his business title.
Name of the company if it is previously printed on the letterhead.
The addresser should sign the letter by hand and in ink above the typed name which the typed post follows immediately.
Signing on behalf of somebody else ,it is usual to write for pp or per pro before he letter.
Enc. Or Encs. Is typed two lines spaces after the signature of the address when something is sent along with the letter.
An enclosure can be anything in the envelope in addition to the message itself.
Examples are as follows: Enc.: 1 Price List
If the enclosed are more than on, the number should be marked.
When you find something forgotten to be included in the letter body before the envelope is to be sealed up.
You may state it after the signature in a postscript with a simple signature again.
The adding of a P.S. should, however, be avoided as far as possible.
For examples: PS: the catalogue was sent to you on July 7th.
Section B Format of a Business letter
Full block form and modified block form with indented paragraphs are the two main patterns of layout in current use.
The former is now the most popular practice of displaying business letters.
Its remarkable feature is that all typing lines, including those for the date,
Inside name and address, salutation, subject heading, each message paragraph and complimentary close, begin at the left-hand margin.
Business letters with the full block form, along with open punctuation or mixed punctuations, re paragraphed by equal line spaces.
For this letter-style the open punctuation pattern is used, the end of the date line, the inside address lines, the salutation, the complimentary close and the signature block lines are unpunctuated, but a comma is necessary between the day and year in the date line and the full stop is retained after the abbreviation such as company, Inc. and Ltd.
While the mixed punctuation pattern, the most welcomed style today, requires an absence of punctuation marks from the date line, the inside address lines and the signature block lines except a colon or comma after the salutation and the complimentary close.
Modified block form with indented paragraphs indented style is the traditional British practice with the heading usually in the middle and the date on the right-hand side.
The complimentary close may be in the center or commence at the center point. The mixed punctuation is often used.