松鼠英文怎么读音松鼠的英文翻译是squirrel 。
词汇分析音标:英 ['skwɪr(ə)l] 美 [ˈskwɜ:rəl; skwɝəl]
n. 松鼠;松鼠毛皮
vt. 贮藏
短语squirrel cage adj. 鼠笼式的
ground squirrel [动]地松鼠
flying squirrel [动]鼯鼠
拓展资料1、The squirrel makes a store of nuts for the winter.
松鼠贮藏坚果以备过冬 。
2、The squirrel has laid in a store of nuts for the winter.
松鼠已经贮存了许多坚果以备过冬 。
3、It was moving fast like a squirrel, but it was as loud as a bear.
它像松鼠一样快速的移动但那声音却像是熊发出的似的 。
4、Grandma Squirrel always washes her windows in the winter, so this must be the best time.
松鼠奶奶总是在冬天里擦窗户,所以这应该是一年到头最好的日子 。
5、Do you sometimes feel that you are running round like a squirrel in a cage?
英 ['skwɪr(ə)l] 美 [ˈskwɜ:rəl; skwɝəl]
n. 松鼠;松鼠毛皮
vt. 贮藏

1、Sun squirrel 太阳松鼠
2、japanese squirrel 日本松鼠
3、squirrel monkey 松鼠猴
4、A squirrel 小松鼠 ; 松鼠
5、Squirrel Snoozing 打盹的小松鼠
1、I never imagined getting this excited about seeing a bird, squirrel or monkey, particularly when they are hundreds of meters away!
2、He’s the best-fed squirrel in Michigan and I guess that’s the reason he got so big.
它是密歇根州最好饲养的松鼠,我想这就是它为什么能长这么大的原因 。
3、Another possibility is that either the squirrel or the bat were mentally off balance.
另一种可能性是松鼠或者蝙蝠有精神方面的失衡 。
4、The children were then asked to pick toys for Squirrel.
然后这些孩子们被要求给松鼠选玩具 。
5、He caught two snowflakes on his tongue, and then he headed for Grandma Squirrel’s house.
这时有雪花飘到了它的嘴里,落在舌头上,它继续朝着松鼠奶奶家走去 。关于松鼠的英文句子5句1, the little squirrel gliding ability is unique, bypassing the tail, a jump can be vacated jump good a few meters far, in the canopy floated, especially cute like.
2, the squirrel eat food is pine, hazel and chestnut oak, sometimes eat eggs. When they eat, the body is often done straight on the branches, holding to his mouth with the forepaws. Autumn, winter food is stored squirrel, put it the gap in the trees, stuffed. In winter, they sometimes clawed claws deep snow to find food beneath the snow.
3, the squirrel is a kind of beautiful small animal, very pleasing. It is flexible and agile. The exquisite small face, inlaid with a pair of sparkling little eyes. The body of the gray brown hair, smooth as if the paint over oil. A big furry tail always turned up, very beautiful.
4, love squirrels live in tall tree, often nest in the middle fork tree. They nest, to move to the number of decimal places branch alternating together, to find some dry moss shop in the above, then the moss pressed and flattening. A nest, also topped with a cover of the nest, so will not exposed to wind and rain. They live in it with their children, and they are warm and safe.
5, the squirrel meat can be eaten, the hair on the tail can be made brush, leather can make clothes.
6, squirrels like to jump on the branches, very clever. As long as someone touched the trunk, they hide in the number of branches under or leaped to flee to other tree.
1、这小松鼠的滑翔本领更是绝活,甩开大尾巴,一纵身就能腾空跃过好几米远 , 在树冠上飘来飘去,特别逗人喜欢 。
2、松鼠常吃的食物是松子 , 榛子和橡栗,有时候也吃鸟蛋 。它们吃东西的时候,常常直着身子做在树枝上,用前爪捧着往嘴里送 。秋天,松鼠就储藏过冬的食物,把它塞到老树的缝隙里,塞得满满的 。冬天 , 它们有时候也用爪子扒开厚厚的积雪寻找雪底下的食物 。
3、松鼠是一种美丽的小动物,很讨人喜欢 。它四肢灵活,行动敏捷 。玲珑的小面孔上,嵌着一对闪闪发光的小眼睛 。身上灰褐色的毛,光滑得好象搽过油 。一条毛茸茸的大尾巴总是向上翘着,显得格外漂亮 。
4、松鼠喜欢住在高大的老树上,常常把窝搭在树叉中间 。它们搭窝的时候,先搬来一些小数枝,交错着放在一起,再找一些干苔藓铺在上面,然后把苔藓压紧,踏平 。窝搭好了 , 还在上面加一个盖,把整个窝遮蔽起来,这样就不怕风吹雨打了 。
5、松鼠喜欢在树枝上跳来跳去,十分机灵 。只要有人触动一下树干,它们就躲在数枝底下,或连蹦带跳地逃到别的树上去 。
松鼠的英文介绍The squirrel, belonging to the rodent squirrel family, refers to a large class of rodents with fluffy long hair on the tail. There are about 285 species of 58 genera, distributed throughout the continents of Antarctica.
翻译:松鼠,隶属啮齿目松鼠科,泛指一大类尾巴上披有蓬松长毛的啮齿类动物,现存约有58属285种,分布遍及南极以外的各大洲 。
The squirrels are mainly distributed in coniferous forests and coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests composed of Pinus, Larch and Picea species.
翻译:松鼠主要分布在由松属、落叶松属和云杉属树种构成的针叶林或针阔混交林中 。
Due to the relatively rich and stable food source, squirrels can maintain a high population density in coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests, and can use small woodland in suburbs and even cities to become companion animals.
翻译:由于食物来源相对较为丰富和稳定,松鼠在针阔混交林中可以维持较高的种群密度 , 并可以利用城郊甚至城市中的小片林地,成为伴人动物 。

1、食物习性:松鼠喜欢吃素 , 偶尔也吃荤,素食主要以红松、云杉、冷杉、落叶松、樟子松和榛子、橡子的干果以及种子为主,荤食主要以昆虫、幼虫、蚁卵和其它小动物等为主,在食物青黄不接的情况下 , 松鼠另有选择 。
春季吃树芽,夏季吃蘑菇、托盘和越桔等浆果,到了秋季食物极大丰富,吃喝不愁,想吃啥就有啥,但最上口的还是红松果仁 。
2、繁殖习性:松鼠多在春、夏季发情,发情期大约为两个星期左右 。松鼠繁殖的适龄期,雌性为8~9周龄,雄鼠为9~10周龄 。
怀孕时间大约为35~40天,每年能产3胎左右,每次能产4~6只 。初生松鼠体形很?。床患? ,以母体乳汁作为全部营养需求的来源 。松鼠发育很慢 , 生下将近30天时才睁开眼睛 。至一个半月时,小松鼠才愿意到室外进行活动 。
3、筑巢习性:松鼠在茂密的树枝上筑巢,或者利用乌鸦和喜鹊的废巢,有时也在树洞中做窝,除了吃野果外,还吃嫩枝、幼芽、树叶,以及昆虫和鸟蛋 。秋天一到,松鼠就开始贮藏食物,一只松鼠常将几公斤食物分几处贮存,有时还见到松鼠在树上晒食物,不让它们变质霉烂 。
[例句]松鼠贮藏坚果以备过冬 。
The squirrel makes a store of nuts for the winter.
松鼠英文怎么读squirrel 英 ['skwɪrəl] 美 ['skwɜːrəl]
n. 松鼠;松鼠皮毛
ground squirrel 地松鼠 flying squirrel [动] 鼯鼠
fox squirrel 黑松鼠 tree squirrel 树松鼠
用作名词 (n.)
1、The squirrel's granary is full
2、The squirrel was excellent in climbing

mouse 英 [maʊs] 美 [maʊs]
n. 老鼠;胆小如鼠的人
名词复数: mice 过去式: moused 过去分词: moused 现在分词: mousing 第三人称单数: mouses
n. (名词)
1、mouse的意思是“老鼠”“耗子”,指一种较rat小的、尾巴细长的啮齿类动物 。用于比喻还可指“胆小如鼠的人”“怕羞的人” 。mouse在科技术语中,指电脑上的“鼠标”“光标移动控制盒” 。
2、mouse的复数形式是mice 。
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