灵隐寺介绍的内容是什么?灵隐寺位于杭州西湖灵隐山麓,处于西湖西部的飞来峰旁,离西湖不远 。灵隐寺又名“云林禅寺” , 始建于东晋(公元326年) , 到现在已有一千六百多年历史 , 是我国佛教禅宗十刹之一 。当时印度僧人慧理来杭 , 看到这里山峰奇秀,以为是“仙灵所隐”,就在这里建寺,取名灵隐 。后来济公在此出家,由于他游戏人间的故事家喻户晓,灵隐寺因此名闻遐迩 。五代吴越国时,灵隐寺曾两次扩建,大兴土木 , 建成为九楼、十八阁、七十二殿堂的大寺,房屋达1300余间 , 僧众达3000人 。
【灵隐寺介绍_有没有杭州灵隐寺的英文导游词,要齐全点精确点的...】灵隐寺的最前面是天王殿,上悬“云林禅寺”匾额,是清代康熙的手笔 。大殿正中佛龛里坐着袒胸露腹的弥勒佛像 。弥勒佛后壁佛龛里,站着神态庄严、手执降魔杵的韦驮菩萨,系由独块香樟木雕成,是南宋遗物 。灵隐寺的大雄宝殿是单层、重檐、三叠的建筑,高达33.6米 。另有清末重塑之木雕释迦坐像,高约24.8米,金光四射,闪耀夺目,富有宋代守实雕塑之风,此外还有十二圆觉,二十诸天等佛 。
年进行全面修整后 , 改为永久性的钢筋水泥建筑 。大殿规模宏敞 , 气势雄伟,殿正中的释迦牟尼佛像 , 高19.6米 , 是以唐代禅宗著名雕塑为蓝本 , 用24块香樟木雕成的 。灵隐寺的殿宇、亭阁、经幢、石塔、佛像等建筑和雕塑艺术,对于研究我国佛教史、建筑艺术史和雕塑艺术史都很有价值,是祖国珍贵的文物 。
现在的灵隐寺园林,除寺内殿前殿旁还保存有一些假山、古树林木外,主要在于寺前的清溪流水沿岸,山泉之间曲径通幽 , 小桥飞跨 。寺之山门前有冷泉亭、壑雷亭、翠微亭诸景 。唐朝诗人白居易写有《冷泉亭记》来描述这里的景色 。灵隐寺的介绍
杭州灵隐寺简介灵隐寺 , 又名云林寺,位于浙江省杭州市,背靠北高峰,面朝飞来峰 , 始建于东晋咸和元年(326年),占地面积约87000平方米 。灵隐寺开山祖师为西印度僧人慧理和尚 。南朝梁武帝赐田并扩建 。五代吴越王钱镠,命请永明延寿大师重兴开拓,并赐名灵隐新寺 。宋宁宗嘉定年间,灵隐寺被誉为江南禅宗“五山”之一 。清顺治年间,禅宗巨匠具德和尚住持灵隐 , 筹资重建,仅建殿堂时间就前后历十八年之久,其规模之宏伟跃居“东南之冠”。清康熙二十八年(1689年),康熙帝南巡时,赐名 “云林禅寺” 。
灵隐寺主要由天王殿、大雄宝殿、药师殿、法堂、华严殿为中轴线,两边附以五百罗汉堂、济公殿、华严阁、大悲楼、方丈楼等建筑构成 。
灵隐寺的天王殿,大雄宝殿,药师殿各是什么菩萨分别是韦驮菩萨,释迦牟尼莲花坐像,药师佛 。
一,天王殿 。
天王殿长约24米,宽约15米 , 正中面朝山门的佛龛供奉弥勒佛像,袒胸露腹,趺坐蒲团,笑容可掬;背对山门的佛龛供奉的是佛教护法神韦驮雕像 , 像高二米半,头戴金盔,身裹甲胄,神采奕奕 。

左边站立日光菩萨,手托太阳,象征着光明;右边站立月光菩萨,手托月亮,象征着清凉 。大殿两边的十二尊塑像是药师佛的十二位弟子,号称“药童”,又称“药叉神将”,顶盔贯甲,神态威武,手下各有七千神兵供调遣,他们按十二个时辰排序 。殿左有重建的罗汉堂,陈列五百罗汉线刻石像 。
灵隐寺 , 又名云林寺,位于浙江省杭州市,背靠北高峰,面朝飞来峰 , 始建于东晋咸和元年(326年),占地面积约87000平方米 。
灵隐寺开山祖师为西印度僧人慧理和尚 。南朝梁武帝赐田并扩建 。五代吴越王钱镠命请永明延寿大师重兴开拓,并赐名灵隐新寺 。宋宁宗嘉定年间,灵隐寺被誉为江南禅宗“五山”之一 。
清顺治年间,禅宗巨匠具德和尚住持灵隐,筹资重建,仅建殿堂时间就前后历十八年之久,其规模之宏伟跃居“东南之冠” 。清康熙二十八年(1689年),康熙帝南巡时 , 赐名 “云林禅寺” 。
灵隐寺主要以天王殿、大雄宝殿、药师殿、法堂、华严殿为中轴线,两边附以五百罗汉堂、济公殿、华严阁、大悲楼、方丈楼等建筑构成 。现任方丈是光泉法师 。
参考资料:百度百科-灵隐寺有没有杭州灵隐寺的英文导游词,要齐全点精确点的...浙江杭州灵隐寺英语导游词Lingyin Temple
Situated at the food of Lingyin Mountain , aside from the West Lake,Lingyin Temple(Temple of Inspired Seclusion) is one of the ten most famous ancient Buddhist temples in China.
First built by an Indian monk Huili in 326AD during the Eastern Jin dynasty (317 - 420 AD),the temple was named Lingyin Temple (Temple of Inspired Seclusion) for its environment is very beautiful and serene and suitable for "gods rest in seclusion". In its prime,this temple,containing over 1300 rooms and 3000 monks,used to be a large monastery with a scale you just imagine. Due to war and calamity,the temple has experienced about 1700 years of repeated circles of prosperity and decline until its last restoration in the Qing dynasty (1644 - 1911).
On the compound’s central axle stand Hall of Heavenly Kings , Daxiongbaodian Hall (Precious Hall of the Great Hero),Pharmaceutical Master Hall and Great Mercy Hall.
Hall of Heavenly Kings
It is the first hall after entering the temple. A tablet inscribed with "cloud forest Buddhist temple",penned by Emperor Kangxi,who was inspired on one occasion by the sight of the temple in the mist and trees , was hung above the door,producing a sacred atmosphere here. More noticeable is a couplet hung on the door reading: Let us wait sitting on the threshold of the temple,for another peak may fly from afar. Smiles appear welcoming , for the brook is gradually warming up to the springtime. When tourists admire the couplet, they can’t help but grin.
Inside the hall is a statue of laughing Buddha who can "endure everything unendurable in the world and laugh at every laughable person in the world." Four heavenly kings stand on both sides of the Buddha and Weituo behind.
Daxiongbaodian Hall
Daxiongbaodian Hall is the main hall of Lingyin Temple. It is 7 rooms wide and 5 rooms deep,with one story,double layer eaves and pinnacle roof 33.6 meters in height,famed as one of China’s tallest one-story buildings. A statue of Sakyamuni , carved out of 24 pieces of camphor wood,stands 24.8 meters high in the hall. On the both sides of Sakyamuni stand 20 saints protecting justice and on the back wall sit his 12 disciples serving as guards. In front of the hall are two stone pagodas built during the Northern Song dynasties (960 - 1279) with 9 stories and 8 surfaces and sculptured Buddhist stories on four walls.
Scattered outside and inside the temple are numerous relics left from ancient times,in which Pavilion of Cool Brook erected in the mid Tang dynasty, stone pagoda and stone storage for Buddhist scriptures built in the Five dynasties,Pavilion of Greens first built in the Southern Song dynasty,the pagoda of Huili erected in the Ming dynasty (1368 - 1644) are especially worthy of viewing.
The temple also houses various Buddhist literature and treasures including the scriptures written on pattra leaves,the Diamond Sutra copied by Dong Qichang in the Ming dynasty,a wood cut edition published in the Qing dynasty
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