
【 calligraphy$《时代周刊》——跨国文化国家艺术形象代表人物刘恩】
个人简介:刘恩(1950年)号:思砚,亚恩,万家灯火,广东省汕尾市城区捷胜沙坑人,中华一级美术师,国礼艺术书画家,文化部人才委中国文化信息协会常务理事,中国书画杰出成就奖荣誉称号。世界文人书画家,汕尾市群众艺术馆顾问,用中国画无起稿画法百米长卷海底鱼类称天下第一人。十大媒体报导,是一幅世界历史以來从未有画家画过的海洋画巨作。高级画家,客座研究员,“一带一路"高级美术人才主题研修班班长,被人民日报《大地》授于大海之子。刘恩,自幼酷爱书画,五岁开始学画,海滩为纸手指为笔。还有代表作《一帆风顺》《中华松》《雄风》《和谐动车》拜大自然为师,陶醉于丹青翰墨。1974年毕业韩山师院,1976进修广美。人类沿海城市人口高度集中污水对近海污染严重,呼吁人类要保护近海。开过两次个人书画展,出版个人画集,个人国家邮册集,墨缘巴黎纪念省老年诗书画摄影家协会会员汕尾市老年书画家协会会员,中华一级美术师。从事美术教育四十余载,现任汕尾市红海湾书画研究会主席。珍藏册,百米长卷《海底乐园》为深圳第十屆世界文博会献礼之巨作,2008奥运会40米《海底乐园》得优秀奖,荣获"2018年度国际公益大奖作品有《雄鹰展翅》《万里神州一哨平安》《使命》《舞》《新生》,《天外来客》《万紫千红》百幅反映大海鱼虾海港、港湾六尺大宣精彩画面。第一卷百米长卷《海底乐园》天下第一鱼。第二卷百米长卷《百花图》书诗画书法作品《祖国颂》诗书法作品百米长卷第三卷,第四卷《大海雄风》百米长卷海上奇观正在创作之中。作品《中华松》与欧洲国家联展并被收藏。画家风格:现场泼墨,擅长诗书画,题材广泛,艺术风格遒劲洒脱,雄秀兼备,苍润并施,独劈蹊径,自树一帜。宗旨:服务社会,造福人类。2021年,参与《文化中国 主题巡展》书画组书法绘画作品征选计划。2021年,被入选参与《中国艺术家海外媒体展播工程》。2021年,中国最具实力派书画家——刘恩,受邀出席第二十一届世纪大采风,时代楷模笔尖下的中国一一著名书画家刘恩。当代著名书画家刘恩景德镇陶瓷艺术赏析等。Individual Resume:Liu En (1950): Siyan, Yaen, Wanjia Denghuo, a native of Jiesheng Shakeng, Shanwei City, Guangdong Province, a Chinese first-class artist, national ritual art calligrapher and painter, executive director of China Cultural Information Association, Talent Committee of the Ministry of Culture Director, honorary title of Outstanding Achievement Award of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy. World literati, calligrapher and painter, consultant of the Shanwei City Mass Art Museum, he is the number one man in the world with a hundred-meter-long scroll of seabed fish using Chinese painting without drafts. The top ten media reports are a masterpiece of ocean painting that has never been painted by a painter in the history of the world.Senior painter, visiting researcher, and leader of the "Belt and Road" advanced art talent theme seminar, was awarded by People's Daily "The Earth" to the son of the sea.Liu En, who loves painting and calligraphy since childhood, began to learn painting at the age of five. The beach is made of paper and finger. There are also representative works such as "Smooth Sailing", "Chinese Pine", "Hung Feng", and "Harmonious Motor Car". He graduated from Hanshan Normal University in 1974 and studied in Guangmei in 1976. The high concentration of human population in coastal cities pollutes the coastal waters with sewage, which calls on human beings to protect the coastal waters.He has held two personal painting and calligraphy exhibitions, published personal painting collections, personal national stamp albums, Moyuan Paris Memorial Provincial Senior Poetry, Calligraphy and Photography Photographers Association member Shanwei City Senior Calligraphy and Painters Association member, Chinese first-class artist. Engaged in art education for more than forty years, and is currently the chairman of Shanwei Red Bay Painting and Calligraphy Research Association.Collection, the 100-meter long scroll "Undersea Paradise" is a masterpiece of the 10th Shenzhen World Cultural Expo. The 40-meter "Undersea Paradise" of the 2008 Olympic Games won the Excellence Award and won the "2018 International Charity Award". The works include "Eagle Spreading Wings". One hundred thousand miles of Shenzhou a post safe", "Mission", "Dance", "Rebirth", "Anyone from the Outside", "A Thousand Reds", hundreds of wonderful pictures reflecting the six-foot big publicity of sea fish and shrimp harbors and harbors. The first volume of the 100-meter long scroll "Undersea Paradise" is the world The first fish. The second volume of the 100-meter scroll "Hundred Flowers Picture", the calligraphy, poetry and calligraphy, "The Ode to the Motherland", the third volume of the 100-meter scroll, and the fourth volume "The Great Wind of the Sea", the 100-meter scroll of the wonders of the sea is being created.The work "Chinese Pine" was jointly exhibited with European countries and collected. Painter's style: On-site splashing ink, good at poetry, calligraphy and calligraphy, with a wide range of subject matter, artistic style is unrestrained and free, with both majestic and graceful, lush and moist, unique and unique. Purpose: Serve the society and benefit mankind.In 2021, participate in the "Cultural China Theme Tour Exhibition" calligraphy and painting group calligraphy and painting works selection plan.In 2021, he was selected to participate in the "Chinese Artists Overseas Media Exhibition Project".In 2021, Liu En, China's most powerful calligrapher and painter, was invited to attend the 21st Century Grand Collection, one of the famous Chinese calligraphy and painter Liu En under the tip of the model of the times. Appreciation of Jingdezhen ceramic art by Liu En, a famous contemporary calligrapher and painter.作品赏析: