90后|IM·论坛|相约平潭,鲁豫和您谈谈《九零后》,聊聊创作这件事( 三 )

所以我们看到 , 这群“九零后”年过九旬依然在发光发热 。
IM两岸青年影展(In Moments Film Festival , 缩写:IMFF)是以扶持高校青年影视创作力量为目标 , 集短片评比推优、论坛、展映等于一体的专业影像节展 。
IM是“In Moments”简称 , 意为“从这一刻起” 。 作为高校青年影视创作人成长路上的支持与见证者 , IM倡导青年创作人以影像为手段 , 呈现多元时代下社会发展的真诚表达 。
In Moments Film Festival(IMFF)is a professional film festival including short filmcompetition, forum and screening, which aims to support youth film creation andproduction in colleges and universities.
IM is short for "In Moments", which means "from this moment on". As a supporter and witness to the growth of young film creators in colleges and universities, IM advocates young creators and filmmakers to present a sincere expression of social development in a pluralistic culture era.

编辑 | 何佳怡
主编 | 张素桂
监制 | 方少勇