城址$双语说河南|在中原 追寻夏的轨迹( 六 )
The granary remains of the Shizhuang Site can be traced back to the Xinzhai Phase in the Central Plains or the early Xia Dynasty, which is of great value for refreshing the current understanding of the social structure, administration and governance capacity of the early Xia Dynasty. On April 13, 2021, the Shizhuang Site was listed among China's top 10 major archaeological discoveries of 2020.
Major discoveries include the remains of 29 granaries.
The Dongzhao Site in Zhengzhou: 'Bridgehead' of the Xia Dynasty
The sites and ruins of the Xia and Shang dynasties are densely distributed in Northwest Zhengzhou, one of the key areas for the study of many important academic issues related to China's Bronze Age. To explore the formation and development of the early states in the Central Plains, a team led by the Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology of Zhengzhou and the School of Archaeology and Museology of Peking University has conducted large-scale fieldwork at the Dongzhao site since 2012 with relics of the late Longshan Culture (around 2500 BC-2000 BC), the Xinzhai Phase (around 1870 BC-1720 BC), the Erlitou Culture (around 1735 BC-1530 BC), the Erligang Culture (around 1600 BC-1400 BC), the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046 BC-771 BC) and the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770 BC-256 BC) discovered. Because of its long-lasting and complete archaeological cultural remains, the site is rare of its kind in the Central Plains. At the ruins of three ancient cities in different periods which are stacked on top of one another, many important cultural relics were unearthed. The relics unearthed from the small and the medium cities are related to the Xia Dynasty, while those discovered from the large city belong to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. The Dongzhao Site was listed among China's top 10 archaeological discoveries of 2014.
First built in the early Xinzhai Phase (the early Xia Dynasty), the small city was completely abandoned in the first stage of the Erlitou Culture (the middle Xia Dynasty). It is the first city site of the Xinzhai Phase discovered in the north of Songshan Mountain. First built in the second stage of the Erlitou Culture, the medium city was completely abandoned in the fourth stage of the Erlitou Culture (the late Xia Dynasty). Since there are not many city ruins of the Erlitou Culture discovered at present, the city ruins at the Dongzhao Site are indispensable for the study of the regional settlement form and geopolitical structure of the Xia Dynasty.
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