动词|听到“蚌埠住了”,你会绷不住吗?( 二 )

另一个例子是动词“(to) shanghai” 。 《在线词源词典》称 , 动词“shanghai”的意思是“下药使人失去知觉 , 然后将其当水手使用;1854年出现在美式英语中 , 源于为了补充长途航行的船员 , 如去往中国上海 , 而用到的绑架行为” 。
Bangalore 因外包而失去工作
For example, the spread of outsourcing in IT made many IT workers lose their jobs. Bangalore is known to be "the outsourcing capital of the world". In this situation, a new term "to Bangalore" was coined and the phrase "My job was bangalored" spread in the IT industry.
例如 , IT外包使得许多员工失业 。 班加罗尔被称为“世界外包之都” 。 如此一来 , 新动词“班加罗尔”就造出来了 , 句子“我的工作被班加罗尔了” , 在IT行业传播开来 。
Barbados 将某人强制运往某处工作
The meaning of the verb "to Barbados" dates back to the events of the XVII century when the Irish and the Scottish were sent to the Caribbean Islands to work in the plantations.
动词“(to) Barbados”的意思可以追溯到十七世纪 , 当时爱尔兰人和苏格兰人被运往加勒比群岛的种植园工作 。
Copenhagen 背后耍阴招而取胜
Copenhagenize: The expression refers to a decisive blow delivered to a potential opponent while being at peace with that nation. It originated from the Royal Navy's bombardment of Copenhagen in 1807, during the Napoleonic Wars.
哥本哈根(动词):这个词指的是在与潜在对手和平相处时 , 对该对手施以决定性打击 。 该词起源于1807年拿破仑战争期间皇家海军对哥本哈根的轰炸 。
Iraq 入侵
The meaning of the verb reflects the USA war operation in Iraq. It is shown by Urban Dictionary: "owned by the rival unexpectedly and illegally, another way of saying 'invaded': The hacker iraqed the computer network system" (Peckham: 2009).
这个动词的意思反映了美国在伊拉克的战争行动 。 《城市词典》释义:“被对手意外非法占有 , 换句话说就是入侵”;例句:该黑客‘伊拉克’了计算机网络系统”(Peckham: 2009) 。
反观汉语 , 城市名的谐音多以玩笑为主 。 谐音梗出圈要考虑谐音出来的词是否不构成冒犯 。 如:太原不会变成“太远”或“太冤” , 大连也不会变成“打脸” 。
不过汉英间的谐音的确盛产网梗 。 汉语可以把GG谐音成“寄”;英文谐音汉语也有:大可不必——duck不必 。
注:本文转载自中国日报双语新闻(id: ChinaDaiy_mobile)