“GRAPHICS”是什么意思?Graphics是所有图形上下文的抽象基类,允许应用程序可以在组件(已经在各种设备上实现),以及闭屏图像上,进行绘制 。Graphics 对象封装了 Java 支持的基本呈现操作所需的状态信息 。属性:(1) 要在其上绘制的 Component 对象 。(2) 呈现和剪贴坐标的转换原点 。(3) 当前剪贴区 。(4) 当前颜色 。(5) 当前字体 。(6) 当前的逻辑像素操作函数(XOR 或 Paint) 。(7) 当前 XOR 交替颜色(参见setXORMode(java.awt.Color)含义:(1) 如果绘制一个覆盖给定矩形的图形,那么该图形与填充被相同矩形所限定的图形相比,在右侧和底边多占用一行像素 。(2) 如果沿着与一行文本基线相同的y坐标绘制一条水平线,那么除了文字的所有下降部分外,该线完全画在文本的下面 。用法:formGraphics.FillEllipse(myBrush, newRectangle(0,0,100,200));//画实心椭圆formGraphics.DrawEllipse(myPen, new Rectangle(0,0,100,200));//空心圆formGraphics.FillRectangle(myBrush, new Rectangle(0,0,100,200));//画实心方formGraphics.DrawRectangle(myPen, new Rectangle(0,0,100,200));//空心矩形formGraphics.DrawLine(myPen, 0, 0, 200, 200);//画线formGraphics.DrawPie(myPen,90,80,140,40,120,100); //画馅饼图形//画多边形
graphic designer是什么意思graphic designer
[英][ˈɡræfik dɪˈzaɪnə][美][ˈɡræfɪk dɪˈzaɪnɚ]
1Looking for an all-round web developer graphic designer capable of covering all aspects of web development and website design.
寻找一个全面的Web开发平面设计师涵盖Web开发和网站设计的各个方面的能力 。
2But now the30-year-old graphic designer is newly married and wants to save money to open her own wedding-productions business.
如今,这位30岁的平面设计师刚刚结婚,想存钱自己开一家婚庆公司 , 因此最近重新用上自行车,开始骑车上下班 。
3Mathilde Aubier is a french graphic designer, illustrator.
玛蒂尔德·奥布叶是位法国的平面设计师、插画师 。
打开游戏图标后 Graphics quality 是什么意思?怎么选Graphics quality的意思是图像质量 。默认的是simple是简单,下面的good是良好,beautiful是美观 , fantastic是棒极了 。建议按自身网络情况选择,画质越流畅清晰所需网络配置越高 。网络游戏对电脑配置的要求:网络游戏对机器要求肯定不如一些大型单机要求高了,但是集成显卡的游戏性能确实不怎么好 , 比如3D游戏,要求内存和显卡比较多一些,CPU 够用就好 。主板只要能让显卡CPU内存 插上去就差不多,影响不是很大 。集成显卡占用内存一般为64M,可以在BIOS中设定 ,加上显卡以后 ,不需要占内存 , 线程也是独立的 , 处理图形会更快,所以加上显卡比较好,现在一般7600GT,可以跑现在所有的游戏了 。玩魔兽,知道这游戏只吃内存,1G,集成6100,速龙3000绝对不卡一般网络游戏都是吃内存,1G+双128DDR3显卡就差不多都能玩了 。
ToC graphics是什么意思ToC graphics是什么意思?
作者: kfygb2003 (站内联系TA)发布: 2009-07-27
我前几天向ACS投了一篇文章,现在要 ToC graphics,我不太明白 。原来我投过稿要图片摘要,要一个与文章最相关的一个图,然后写几句图的含义 。
请教一下,这个ToC graphics是否也是这个意思?
We also request that the corresponding author send a Table of Contents (ToC) graphic as the Journal is now using ToC graphics for Articles as well as Letters. The illustration should capture the reader’s attention and, in conjunction with the manuscript title, should give a quick visual impression of the essence of the paper. The graphic should be in the form of a structure, graphical image, photograph, reaction scheme, or equation. The graphic should be 1.375 in. high and 3.5 in. wide (3.6 cm x 8.9 cm). Please be sure the type size within the graphic is legible.
figure和graphic 的区别graphic 和figure 有什么差别
下面让我来比较一下英汉两种语言中一些常见颜色词汇的异同 。
A. red(红色) 无论是在英语国家还是在中国 ,
红色往往与庆祝活动或喜庆日子有关 。因为日历中,这些日子常用红色字体 。因此, red letter day:指的是“纪念日”或“喜庆的日子” 。
graphic 和figure 有什么差别: graphic 和figure 有什么差别 下面让我来比较一下英汉两种语言中一些常见颜色词汇的异同 。
A. red(红色) 无论是在英语国家还是在中国,
红色往往与庆祝活动或喜庆日子有关 。因为日历中,这些日子常用红色字体 。因此,red letter day:指的是“纪念日”或“喜庆的日子” 。
graphic expression是什么意思及用法graphic expression
英[ˈɡræfik iksˈpreʃən]
美[ˈɡræfɪk ɪkˈsprɛʃən]
[词典][经] 图示 , 图解;
[例句]This is a HASS-CI class, which offers students opportunity for verbal and graphicexpression through class discussion, written texts, and website design.
这是一个人文艺术社会科学的集中交流(HASS-CI)课程,通过课堂讨论、书面作业和网站设计为学生提供口头和书面表达的机会 。
illustration除了书籍的插画 , 也可以指杂志上的时装插画 。
其实这三个词,主要指的是制作工艺和呈现方法的不同 。painting是以涂料的形式直接出现在观者眼前,尤其是能看到涂料的质感的,比如油画就是oil painting 。这类创作者叫做painter 。
illustration是指创作者用手绘(不过现在鼠绘也很多了)的方式 , 出现在印刷品上 。这类创作者叫illustrator 。
graphic,就是指一种广义上的设计和构图 , 完全基于电脑的平台工作的 。
另外,壁画是Murals,版画是print,不管木版铜版石版都是prints 。从来没听说过版画叫graphic的 。我只见过一种艺术品叫graphic,就是完全由电脑打印输出的大批量印制的装饰画,而且只有一家日本画廊这么叫 。可以说,这么叫是非常不专业的 。
什么是GUI技术图形用户界面技术 。
图形用户界面(Graphical User Interface,简称 GUI,又称图形用户接口)是指采用图形方式显示的计算机操作用户界面 。与早期计算机使用的命令行界面相比,图形界面对于用户来说在视觉上更易于接受 。
graphic是什么意思cad是一个软件 基本用来做建筑效果图和施工图的,cad and 3d graphic的意思大概就是使用cad这个软件来制作和赏析三维作品,例如万达广场的效果图之类的
游戏设定中graphic是什么意思设定图形 , 比如分辨率,图像素质 , 阴影等 , 和画面有关的游戏设置
中是 画面效果中等
下是 画面效果底下
graphic content是什么意思graphic content图形的内容双语对照例句:1.Warning: all images in this entry are shown in full, not screened out for graphic content. 警告:该条目下的所有图片都是全图展示,而不是筛选出的图文内容 。
1. 生动的;写实的
2. 图解的;坐标式的
3. 绘画的
AUTOption Graphic 是一套可帮你制作Autorun 浏览画面的工具程式、提供制作程序精灵、用法相当的简单,共包含15种动态配置风格与4种样式、可利用图片及声响应用在你的autorun上,轻易制出按钮选单,并可储存及建立出*.INI档供用於CD或硬碟中 。除了可浏览文件、执行程式、并支援可开启网页位置 。
加入时间:2005-12-16 9:20:31
adj.图解的,用图表示的; 用文字表示的; 形象的,生动的;
1.A nasa graphic which illustrates how the oort cloud surrounds our solar system.
这幅美国宇航局的图示说明了奥特云如何包围着我们的太阳系 。
红米note4x充电时间一般是多久您好,现在的手机充电速度都是很快的,一般3-4个小时内即可充满的 。
红米note4x手机插上电源时如何查看预计多长时间充满电一般3-4个小时内即可充满的 。
“充电”是给蓄电池等设备补充电量的过程 。其原理是让直流电从放电相反的方向通过,以使蓄电池中活性物质恢复作用 。如打印机等设备的充电行为 。现在,又有了引申义比如学习 , 工作等 。
蓄电池从外电路接受电能,转化为电池的化学能的工作过程 。蓄电池在其能量经放电消耗后 , 通过充电恢复,又能重新放电,构成充放循环 。一般用直流电流(也有用不对称交流电流或脉冲电流)充电 。不同情况下,采用不同的充电方法如恒流充电、恒电压充电、浮充电、涓流充电、急充电或这些方法的组合式充电等 。
根据电量=电压*电流*时间的公式 , 在电量固定的情况下 , 只有通过增加电压或者增加电流的方式来缩短充电时间 。
高电压低电流模式,增加电压,需要在充电电路中设计多重降压电路 。一般手机的充电过程是,先将220V民用电压降压到5V充电器电压,然后5V充电器电压再降到4.2V电池电压 。在充电器和手机电路中均存在降压电路 , 所以充电时,充电器会发热,手机也会发热 。发热带来不好的体验,并影响电池的安全性 。
低电压高电流模式,增加电流,在充电器电路和电池电路中都引入MCU 单片微型计算机来代替降压电路 。在低电压高电流的前提下,通过开电压环实现分段横流的电流的输出 。
红米 Note3充电冲不进去开不了机是怎么回事?是电池烧坏了吗?
.小米红米note3电池充不进电,有可能是电池进入到了休眠状态 。不是电池烧坏了 。是因为使用者将电量耗?。?手机自动关机造成的 。检查手机底部的充电接口与数据线是否接触良好,如果接触不好会导致不能充电 。检查手机底部接口内是否有异物堵塞,从而导致与数据线接触不好 。红米Note3简介:是一个由小米在2015年11月底发布的手机 。红米Note3采用全金属后壳,同时是小米旗下首款搭载指纹识别 。硬件方面,红米Note3将采用2Ghz的MT6795八核处理器 , 提供500万像素前置、1300万像素后置摄像头,配备双色温闪光灯 。手机配置:配置方面 , 红米Note3将搭载5.5英寸1080P显示屏 。联发科MT6795/高通骁龙650,2GB/3GB内存,16GB/32GB机身存储 。前置500万像素+后置1300万/1600万像素摄像头,预装基于Android 5.0.2的MIUI 7 。支持移动联通双4G(移动联通电信全网通4G),双色温闪光灯 , 4000mAh 的超大容量电池 。充电简介:指给蓄电池等设备补充电量的过程 。原理是让直流电从放电相反的方向通过 , 以使蓄电池中活性物质恢复作用 。充不进电的解决方法:如果当前是用电脑为手机充电的话,可以换一个 USB 插口试试 。如果换了插口还是不行的话,把电脑重新启动一下 , 或是再换台电脑试试 。更换电源线或数据线,尝试更换数据线或充电器,有可能是数据线或是充电器的故障,分别更换一下来辨别是什么问题 。关机再开机 。如果上面的方法都试过了,还是不行的话,建议把手机关机再开机试试 。有时手机 自身系统混乱,也有可能导致不能充电 。温度的原因 。手机 上的电池对于温度特别敏感,在一些温度较低的地区,如零下多少度的 , 在这种情况下可能会因为温度过低导致不能充电 。如果是由于温度过低而导致不能充电,可以把手机放到暖和的地方,等温度上来了再为它充电 。硬件故障 。如果上面的原因都排除了的话,有可能是硬件问题 。硬件问题的话,建议送修当地维修点,对手机进行检测 。
红米note 4x充电时间一般是多久?一般3-4个小时内即可充满的 。“充电”是给蓄电池等设备补充电量的过程 。其原理是让直流电从放电相反的方向通过 , 以使蓄电池中活性物质恢复作用 。如打印机等设备的充电行为 。现在,又有了引申义比如学习,工作等 。原理蓄电池从外电路接受电能,转化为电池的化学能的工作过程 。蓄电池在其能量经放电消耗后,通过充电恢复,又能重新放电,构成充放循环 。一般用直流电流(也有用不对称交流电流或脉冲电流)充电 。不同情况下,采用不同的充电方法如恒流充电、恒电压充电、浮充电、涓流充电、急充电或这些方法的组合式充电等 。根据电量=电压*电流*时间的公式,在电量固定的情况下,只有通过增加电压或者增加电流的方式来缩短充电时间 。高压充电:高电压低电流模式 , 增加电压,需要在充电电路中设计多重降压电路 。一般手机的充电过程是,先将220V民用电压降压到5V充电器电压,然后5V充电器电压再降到4.2V电池电压 。在充电器和手机电路中均存在降压电路 , 所以充电时,充电器会发热,手机也会发热 。发热带来不好的体验,并影响电池的安全性 。低压充电:低电压高电流模式,增加电流,在充电器电路和电池电路中都引入MCU 单片微型计算机来代替降压电路 。在低电压高电流的前提下 , 通过开电压环实现分段横流的电流的输出 。
我去买电脑 , 说了电脑显卡要IntelGraphic5000以上 , 他说我是错的 , 为什么?这是intel的核显,也就是集成显卡 。你直接买独立显卡的就可以了 。处理器不要低于I5 8250U ,内存不低于8G
电脑显卡IntelGraphic5000以上的好不好你说的这个型号是iinte cpu的核显,就是处理器上面带的 。怎么说他的性能呢,属于入门级显卡,大概相当于n卡中的630这个范围 。总的来说 性能比没有强(手动狗头)
Intel HD Graphics 5000显卡性能怎么样?Intel HD Graphics 5000核芯显卡在配合双通道内存时的性能相当于GT630 D3独立显卡的水平,属于低端入门显卡的范围,性能接近于目前主流的GT720这个级别 , 相当于一块300左右的独立显卡,显卡的性能总是相对的,看你玩啥游戏了 , 新版大型3D游戏,没独显是不行的 。Intel GMA HD 5000集成显卡相当于NVIDIA GeForce GT630显卡,下面是两款显卡参数和显卡天梯图:1.显存:Intel GMA HD 5000为1.5GB(最大共享系统内存),GT630为1024MB 。2.流处理量:Intel GMA HD 5000为40个,GT630为96个 。3.显存频率:Intel GMA HD 5000为900MHZ , GT630为96个3200MHZ 。
苹果电脑显卡intel hd graphics 6000和5000有什么区别HD6000是48个EU , HD5000有40个EU,HD6000是最新一代的处理器搭配的核心显卡,HD5000是上一代的,性能当然要弱于前者
显卡Intel HD Graphics 5000,处理器Intel Core i5 是什么级别,能玩游戏不 。CPU足够强劲
英 [ˌɪləˈstreɪʃn]美 [ˌɪləˈstreʃən]
n.插图; 说明; 例证; 图解;
英 [ˌɪntrəˈdʌkʃn]美 [ˌɪntrəˈdʌkʃən]
n.介绍; 引言,导言; 采用,引进; 新采用的东西;
n.图表 , 曲线图; 词的拼法;
vt.用曲线图表示,把…绘入图表; 用胶版印刷;
illustration什么意思illustration英[ˌɪləˈstreɪʃn]美[ˌɪləˈstreʃən]n. 说明;例证;图解;插图名词复数:illustrations
“graphic”和“graphical”的区别是什么?graphic ['ɡræfik]
字母的 , 字体的,书写的;书法的;书写法的;以书写表示的;文字的
【数学】使用图解(或图式)的;根据图解(或图式)的[亦作 graphical]
adj. 图解的;绘画的;生动的
前者有名词的用法,后者只是形容词 。
graphic illustration是什么意思及反义词graphic illustration
英 [ˈɡræfik ˌɪləˈstreiʃən]
美 [ˈɡræfɪk ˌɪləˈstreʃən]
[例句]Technical project and concrete realization of 3D software simulation
design were introduced and graphic illustration was given in the paper.
文章论述了三维校核设计的应用背景、技术方案、具体实现,给出了效果图例 。
[测]制图学; 制图法; 图表算法
graphic reader怎么读precision graphic reader[英][priˈsiʒən ˈɡræfik ˈri:də] [美][prɪˈsɪʒən ˈɡræfɪk ˈridɚ]
tagged graphic怎么读读音音译:泰哥的瓜菲的原义:图标图形
graphic designer怎么读(用中文斜音也成?。?/h3>哥热非克 地栽呢 用有道词典吧 它会教你发音的
adj. 地震仪的;地震学的
private static final long serialVersionUID字段,序列化用于在网络上传输对象,因为初学,暂时知道这些就可以了 , 想多了反而容易迷惑,以后学习到这方面内容自然都会明白的 。
java Graphics类中getGraphics()方法有什么用?希望能详细一点...真心感谢在组件上调用 getGraphics 来创建Graphics
getGraphicspublic 为组件创建一个图形上下文 。如果组件当前是不可显示的,则此方法返回 null 。
组件的图形上下文,如果其没有,则返回 null
c# creategraphics()到底怎么用啊虽然代码没有语法错误,但却达不到你要的效果 。g.RrawRectangle(……)应该放在Form1的Paint事件处理函数中!public partial class Form1 : Form{Graphics g;Rectangle rectpublic Form1(){InitializeComponent();g = this.CreateGraphics();rect = new Rectangle(5, 10, 30, 30);}private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e){// 作图方法必须在Paint事件中处理!g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, rect);}}作图方法必须在Paint事件中处理 。原因与Form的刷新有关:每当窗体被Windows系统刷新都会引发Paint事件 。在Paint事件中,你必须重新绘制你要的图形 , 否则画出的图形在窗体被刷新后就消失了;如果你把绘制图形的方法放到别的地方(比如你放在Form的Load事件处理中),窗体被Windows刷新后,你画出的矩形就被刷没了 。另,上面的代码可以简化为:public partial class Form1 : Form{//Graphics g;Rectangle rectpublic Form1(){InitializeComponent();//g = this.CreateGraphics();rect = new Rectangle(5, 10, 30, 30);}private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e){//直接使用事件参数e中的Graphics作图e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, rect);}}
GRAPHIC 是什么软件一个光碟工具
AUTOption Graphic 是一套可帮你制作Autorun 浏览画面的工具程式、提供制作程序精灵、用法相当的简单,共包含15种动态配置风格与4种样式、可利用图片及声响应用在你的autorun上,轻易制出按钮选单,并可储存及建立出*.INI档供用於CD或硬碟中 。除了可浏览文件、执行程式、并支援可开启网页位置 。
请问Graphics g = getGraphics(); 怎么能这么写 , 不是因该 new一下吗 这个getGraphics(); 是个方法这个getGraphics()方法应该是有一个Graphics类的返回值,这个方法的返回值是可以用来直接初始化Graphics类的对象g的,这样写跟下面的写法作用是一样的:
Graphics g = new Graphics(getGraphics());
美国AAU-illustration专业下的Traditional方向和Graphic Novel (Comic Book)方向各自教学内容?关于学校的专业设置,还是直接给学校的专业院系的老师发邮件咨询最靠谱,有同名专业不同侧重点的情况
comic book和picture book有什么区别comic book主要指动漫书,是有故事情节的连续的那种 。
picture book泛指图画书婴幼儿的或小学生的有画面、有颜色的那种 。
Graphic Novel和Comic Book的区别Graphic Novel和Comic Book的区别:
Comic books and graphic novels differ in terms of story completeness, length and the presence of advertisements. The latter publication tends to be easier to find in bookstores and libraries, and they usually are made more for adults. Identification numbers are not the same, as well. Some people view comics as being more "common" and less artistic, but they can be worth thousands of dollars to collectors, making it debatable which form has more value.
Completeness of the Story
A standard comic book usually includes the beginning, middle or end of a story, so a person typically cannot read or buy just one to learn the whole plot or discover the characters. By contrast, a graphic novel tends to cover one story in its entirety. If writers and artists decide to create a sequel, they design it as a new, complete story with a beginning, middle and end.
Some graphic novels are designed from the start to tell one, long story that cannot logically be broken up into the shorter format. Using this format allows the author the creative freedom to tell his or her story in an original way without adding abrupt cliffhangers or changing the natural flow of the story. In other cases, a collection of comic books will be published in novel form. This type takes those individual comics that told the different parts of the story and combines them into one reading experience, often with clear divisions between each part.
Publishers sometimes also issue comic strips as a collection in book form, which leads to a little confusion when trying to make a distinction. They often do this with very popular titles, such as Garfield, Peanuts, or Calvin and Hobbes. Titles give a clue here, because these collections typically give some indication of how the publication was organized, such as by year or theme.
Length and Format
Taking story completeness into consideration, in general, a comic runs about 21 to 24 pages. Most take only 10 to 30 minutes to read, making them great for filling short periods of free time. Graphic novels can be three to six times as long, with anywhere from 60 to 120 pages, but a person usually still can finish one in a single sitting.
Comic books are periodicals, typically printed on magazine-style paper and simply bound with staples. Graphic novels, on the other hand, can sometimes be found in hardback, although this is less common than paperback versions. Paperback covers are usually thick and glossy and the novels are bound like other, more traditional books.
Publishers often include eight to ten pages of advertisements in a comic book, bringing the total number of pages to around 32. Many of these ads are in-house, meaning they're designed to draw attention to other works or products from the same company. Others are from other businesses, and these help cover the costs of production. Typically, graphic novels contain little or no marketing. As a result, they are typically much more expensive.
Where to Find Them
Most comics are often sold directly through specialty stores, with only a few getting larger distribution to booksellers and libraries. Graphic novels usually are available at traditional book stores and libraries, although some comic book stores do carry some titles.
Maturity Rating
Graphic novels tend to be aimed at adult readers, so they often have mature themes that are not appropriate for kids. The work by one of the most recognizable graphic novelists, Frank Miller — author of Sin City and 300, among many others — is definitely not for the faint of heart. It contains significant references to sex and violence, with the illustrations leaving little to the imagination.
People often think of comic books as being aimed specifically toward kids or teen audiences, although many adults enjoy the themes, as well. Some concepts tend to be fairly universal, such as good fighting evil, finding romance or handling everyday life events such as school. Comics for kids are often good for beginning readers because the text tends to be fairly simple and describes what appears in each frame of the work.
This distinction isn't always a hard and fast rule, however. Japanese manga, for example, which are a type of comic book, often explores more adult themes. There are also a number of comic book titles that are known for their violence and other adult themes. A kids comic may also be collected into a graphic novel format, although these tend to be a bit less common than more adult titles.
Similar to any other novel, graphic ones are given an International Standard Book Number (ISBN), a 13-digit identifier used with books. In the United States, they also have Library of Congress filing numbers. Comics, conversely, usually have an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), an eight-digit number used only with periodicals.
Acceptance and Value
Even though comic books are enormously popular, in general, many people tend to see them as a "lower" art form, in part because they assume that they are largely designed for children or have simple themes. Graphic novels typically are more accepted, with some even making bestseller lists, and they may compete directly with more traditional novels. Ones that combine a series of comics may be more appealing to adults who might feel self-conscious about purchasing individual comic books to read. A number of comic book authors argue that the distinction is just a marketing term designed to sell the more expensive format.
Despite the usual view of comic books as "common," some of these publications have become wildly successful to the point of strongly influencing culture. Phrases, characters and objects from famous ones such as Spiderman, Superman and Batman, for example, have spread into other areas, including music, television and toys. The highest grossing US film of 2008 was "The Dark Knight," based on the Batman comics, while in 2012 it was "The Avengers," which was based on the Marvel Comics superheroes.
Another way in which comic books have become more accepted is for their actual financial value. Very rare ones can be worth thousands of dollars. People collect graphic novels, too, but when they do, it's typically because they enjoy a particular art style or story line, not because they're looking for an investment.
英语单词comic和comical有什么区别comic: [ 'kɔmik ]
n. 连环图画,杂耍滑稽演员
a. 滑稽的,有趣的,喜剧的
1. This famous comic actor is loved by the people even after his death.
这位著名的戏剧演员即便是在死后,也仍受到人们的喜爱 。
2. Children like to read comics.
孩子们喜欢看连环漫画 。
3. It's an exercise which adds a touch of the comic opera to his rigid training routines.
这一练习给他那刻板的训练程序平添了一份滑稽的色彩 。
4. The comic scenes were overdone.
滑稽的场面演得太夸张 。
5. His jokes provided some comic relief in what was really a dull speech.
6. The comic scenes in the play were overdone.
1. a professional performer who tells jokes and performs comical acts
1. arousing or provoking laughter
同义词:amusing, comical, funny, laughable, mirthful, risible
2. of or relating to or characteristic of comedy
comical: [ 'kɔmik(ə)l ]
a. 好笑的,滑稽的
副词:comically 名词:comicality
1. He looked highly comical wearing that tiny hat.
他戴上那顶小帽子 , 看上去很滑稽 。
2. The comedian is very comical.
那个喜剧演员非常滑稽 。
3. The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd.
1. arousing or provoking laughter
同义词:amusing, comic, funny, laughable, mirthful, risible
comic book是什么意思comic book 英[ˈkɔmik buk]美[ˈkɑmɪk bʊk]n. 连环漫画册;[网络] 连环画; 漫画书;[例句]Mocky, this comic book looks more interesting.莫奇,这本连环漫画册看起来更有趣 。[其他] 复数:comic books
anaconda command-line 和graphical 的区别【graphic】其实无所谓的 那是用户 黑客 开发者 也就是说选不同的身份能查找到的软件数量和种类不一样 你是普通用户的话就不需要别的等级 误装了自己不明白的软件还是害了自己 而且软件多了载入也会很慢