

高贵之夜 , 禁食月 , 开斋节之愉悦 ,
阿丹和哈娃团聚之喜 ,
优素福和雅各布重逢 ,
【鲁米诗|【原创】鲁米诗:祝福婚礼】凝视天堂的所有祝福 ,
还有无法用言语表达的恩典 。
及我们的长者 ,
沉浸丰收硕果的成功 。
愿你永沐浴在爱的怀抱中 ,
保持纯洁如牛奶和蜂蜜般 ,
甜蜜如糖和哈拉瓦的结合 。
斟满葡萄酒和举杯欢呼 ,
选定和祈祷的人相伴 , 并说阿敏!
May the blessings which flow in all weddings
be gathered, God, together in our wedding!
The blessings of the Night of Power,
the month of fasting
the festival to break the fast
the blessings of the meeting of Adam and Eve
the blessings of the meeting of Joseph and Jacob
the blessings of gazing on the paradise of all abodes
and yet another blessing which cannot be put in words:
the fruitful scattering of joy
of the children of the Shayak
and our eldest!
In companionship and happiness
may you be like milk and honey
in union and fidelity,
just like sugar and halva.
May the blessings of those who toast
and the one who pours the wine
anoint the ones who said Amen and
the one who said the prayer.
原创翻译声明(Roxana译) 。 文章由企鹅号「丝路文学和旅游」原创编辑和发布 , 同步微信公众号、今日头条、知乎、简书、美篇、微博、豆瓣等平台 。