但那时候 ,维拉向基思展示的钢琴出了些问题 , 而且情况不是太好 。 杰瑞特仔细地看了看那个钢琴 , 弹了几个音 , 绕着钢琴走了一圈之后 , 又弹了几个音 , 跟他的制作人嘟囔了几句 。 然后制作人过去跟维拉说——“如果你们弄不来一台新的钢琴 , 基思今天就弹不成了 。 ”
There'd been a mistake. The opera house had provided the wrong instrument. This one had this harsh, tinny upper register, because all the felt had worn away. The black notes were sticking, the white notes were out of tune, the pedals didn't work and the piano itself was just too small. It wouldn't create the volume that would fill a large space such as the Cologne Opera House.
其实当时是出错了 。 歌剧院没准备好乐器 。 那台钢琴的高音部听起来又尖又刺耳 , 因为其中的所有毛毡都磨损坏了 。 黑键听起来感觉拖拖拉拉 , 白键走调了 , 脚踏板也坏了 , 而且那台钢琴也特别小 。 那钢琴根本弹不出足够大的声音来让像科隆歌剧院这么大空间里的观众都听到 。
So Keith Jarrett left. He went and sat outside in his car, leaving Vera Brandes to get on the phone to try to find a replacement piano. Now she got a piano tuner, but she couldn't get a new piano. And so she went outside and she stood there in the rain, talking to Keith Jarrett, begging him not to cancel the concert. And he looked out of his car at this bedraggled, rain-drenched German teenager, took pity on her, and said, "Never forget ... only for you."
所以基思·杰瑞特就走了 。 他走出去坐在他的车里 , 留下了维拉·布兰德斯在那里打电话试着弄来一台能用的钢琴 。 她找到了个钢琴调音师 , 但她弄不到新钢琴 。 然后她也出去了 , 站在雨中 , 开始跟基思·杰瑞特交谈 , 求他不要取消那场音乐会 。 他看向车外那个全身被雨浇透的德国年轻人 , 心中升起了同情 , 说道 , “别忘了啊——我只为你这样做 。 ”
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