jobs|疫情期间,外国人如何在中国成功就业( 二 )

3.Expats Jobs Sites:
3. 外籍人士求职网站:
Most expats job sites required access to my personal data through a lengthy registration and resume input to unlock some basic features; this was an unfavourable option as I wanted to keep my job search private. I also noticed that many jobs where the employer contact info isnt provided tend to be expired or made for data mining. So eventually I decided to skip these websites like: echinacities HiredChina SmartShanghai Laowaicareer etc.
大多数外籍人士的求职网站都要求通过冗长的注册和简历输入来获取我的个人信息 , 以解锁一些基本功能; 这是一个不利的选择 , 因为我想保持我的求职隐私 。 我还注意到 , 许多没有提供雇主联系信息的工作往往已经过期或者用于数据挖掘 。 所以最终我决定跳过这些网站 , 比如: 技术网站 , 招聘网站 , 智能上海 , Laowaicareer 等等 。
One plaform that I found interesting and offered HRs contact info called \"WeHustle\" it has few dozens of jobs but hardly any senior positions in the manufacturing sector so I skipped it too.
我发现一个平台很有意思 , 它提供人力资源部的联系方式叫做“ WeHustle” , 它有几十个工作岗位 , 但在制造业几乎没有任何高级职位 , 所以我也跳过了它 。
4.Domestic Job sites:
Being a Mandarin speaker it came to my mind why not applying for domestic jobs where I can meet the qualifications but then most HRs would decline an expat resume right after knowing hes not a local candidate. I used 3 websites: and Boss (Boss). I sharpened my resume in these platforms and applied for 3-5 jobs in each unsurprisingly I had zero response. But then I decided to use the chatting window in Boss App to one of the HRs to whom I applied one job and I felt my profile was superbly matching. To my surprise the HR replied in 24 hrs I informed the HR that I do meet all qualifications; however Im an expat and whether I would be considered. In 24 hours the HR replied back and asked me to send the updated resume. Another HR in Boss actively contacted me offering one job in sales which was very irrelevant to my experience however I was happy to feel the engagement so I decided to add BOSS app to my job searching tools.
作为一个会说普通话的人 , 我突然想到为什么不申请一份符合条件的国内工作 , 但是大多数人力资源部门的人在知道他不是本地候选人后就会拒绝一份外籍人士的简历 。 我使用了3个网站: 51jobs , 和 Boss (Boss) 。 我在这些平台上精简了我的简历 , 并在每个平台上申请了3-5份工作 , 毫不奇怪 , 我没有得到任何回应 。 但后来我决定使用 Boss 应用程序中的聊天窗口与我申请过一份工作的一位 hr 聊天 , 我觉得我的个人资料非常匹配 。 令我惊讶的是 , 人力资源部在24小时内就给出了答复 , 我告诉人力资源部我确实符合所有的条件; 但是 , 我是一名外籍人士 , 我是否会被考虑 。 24小时后 , 人力资源部回复了我 , 并要求我发送更新后的简历 。 另一个在 BOSS 的人力资源主动联系我提供一个销售工作 , 这是非常不相关的我的经验 , 但是 , 我很高兴感受到的参与度 , 所以我决定添加 BOSS 应用到我的工作搜索工具 。
I applied for 31 jobs in Linkedin 6 Jobs from JustJobs and around 10 Jobs in Boss App. Of my 47 applications I got interview call for 3 jobs 8 replies of decline and no reply from others.
我在 Linkedin 申请了31个工作 , 在 JustJobs 申请了6个 , 在 Boss App 申请了大约10个 。 在我的47份申请中 , 我得到了3份工作的面试电话 , 8份拒绝的回复 , 其他人都没有回复 。
Almost half of the jobs I applied in Linkedin directed me to a third-party website which has its own rule for applying. For example companies like: General Electric Siemens and Philips require candidates to apply on their site. The same goes for headhunting firms like Michael Page or Robert Walters. Interestingly all these third-party application websites were unsuccessful and got me a polite feedback of regret to inform you or decided not to go ahead with your application.