

I used to run a middle-sized enterprise with 400+ employees and 260 suppliers; hence I opted to keep my personal information anonymous throughout this article.
我曾经经营过一家拥有400多名员工和260家供应商的中型企业 , 因此 , 在整篇文章中 , 我选择了匿名 。
The industry where I have been working for over a deacade has been hit by economic factors leading to 90% decline in new projects. So I decided it's time to make a change.
我工作了十多年的这个行业受到了经济因素的打击 , 导致新项目减少了90%。 所以我决定是时候做出改变了 。
My job search journey started by finding the proper source for jobs which went through 4 steps:
我的求职之旅从找到合适的工作开始 , 经历了四个步骤:
1.First with Linkedin:
1. 首先是 Linkedin:
Since Linkedin doesnt provide a tracking tool for the applied jobs I designed my own using excel to track my applications. Ive spent 1-2 hours daily going throughout the keywords search results.
由于 Linkedin 不提供应聘工作的跟踪工具 , 我用 excel 设计了自己的工具来跟踪应聘工作 。 我每天花1-2个小时浏览关键词搜索结果 。
At the beginning; it seemed there are hundreds of job opportunities matching my search keywords so I started applying to those that looked more relevant. After one month I started to realize that 90% of the jobs in Linkedin are useless. Many are sourced from Chinese job sites like 51jobs or Zhaopin and they are mainly for local candidates after clicking on the job you get directed to a Chinese website which showed an expired job in many times. So its mainly the first one or two pages of search results that brought the jobs that are actually in Linkedin many pages in the search results were to inflate and impress.
刚开始的时候 , 似乎有成百上千的工作机会与我的搜索关键字相匹配 , 所以我开始申请那些看起来更相关的 。 一个月后 , 我开始意识到 Linkedin 上90% 的工作都是无用的 。 许多来自中国招聘网站 , 如51招聘网站或智联招聘网站 , 它们主要是为本地应聘者提供的 , 点击这些工作后 , 你会直接进入一个中文网站 , 该网站多次显示一个过期的工作 。 因此 , 它主要是第一个或两个页面的搜索结果 , 带来的工作 , 实际上在 Linkedin , 许多页面的搜索结果都令人印象深刻 。
I also noticed that many jobs are kept open over few months; around 30%-50% of the jobs appeared in Linkedin were the same since July and until January.
我还注意到 , 很多工作岗位都是在几个月内保持开放状态; Linkedin 上出现的工作岗位中 , 约有30%-50% 从7月份到1月份一直保持不变 。
I also tried other global job sites like and but I didnt see any advantage over Linkedin or the other services I used so I skipped it.
我还尝试了其他全球性的求职网站 , 比如 glassdoor 和 indeed. com , 但是我没有发现它比 Linkedin 或者其他我使用的服务有任何优势 , 所以我跳过了它 。
2.JustJobs Service for Expats:
【jobs|疫情期间,外国人如何在中国成功就业】2. 为外籍人士提供的就业服务:
I was already a member of a Wechat group called: JustJobs where members pay a subscription fee to join. The group is neat and filled with non-teaching jobs posted every single working day and sometimes on holiday. Jobs were aggregated from multiple sources and all with contact info.  The group had around 1000 jobs per month including senior and junior full/part-time internships and work-from-home.  The only disadvantage of this service is the unavailability of a filtering tool.
我已经是一个叫做 JustJobs 的微信群的成员了 , 这个群的成员需要支付订阅费才能加入 。 这个群组很整洁 , 每个工作日都有非教学类的工作发布 , 有时候是在假期 。 这些工作来自多个渠道 , 并且都有联系方式 。 这个小组每月大约有1000份工作 , 包括高级和初级 , 全职/兼职 , 实习和在家工作 。 这项服务唯一的缺点是没有过滤工具 。