
中国人爱竹 ,
中国文人“宁可食无肉 , 不可居无竹” 。
将竹藤编织成各种各样的精美器具 ,
让竹常伴人们身边 。
安溪县竹藤编工艺历史悠久 ,
早在宋元时期就十分普及 ,
人们大量使用竹藤编制农具、茶具等生活用品 ,
形成了竹箱、斗箕、蒸笼等多种竹编工艺 。
竹藤编的主要原料是毛竹、木料和各种藤类 。
编织过程中 ,
纵向的线条为“经” , 横向的线条为“纬” ,
相互挑压交织 , 纵横交错 。
通过立体或平面的编织技法 ,
时而密编 , 时而疏编 ,
延伸出众多编织花样 。
看 , 这件竹藤编作品《云锦瓶》 ,
由薄如纸片的竹篾(miè)丝编织而成 。
结构优雅结实、花纹立体细致 ,
充分体现了安溪竹藤编工艺精致美观、大方实用的特点 。
千百年来 , 安溪竹藤编不断突破创新 。
不仅成为了当地的支柱产业 ,
更让古老的技艺在今天焕发出蓬勃活力 。
Anxi Bamboo and Rattan Weaving
Chinese people love bamboo,
Chinese literati wrote many poems for bamboo.
This Chinese traditional craft –
Weaving bamboo and rattan into various fine tools,
turning bamboo into a constant companion.
Anxi County has a long history of this craft.
which dates back to the 10th – 14th century (Song and Yuan Dynasties).
People made bamboo and rattan into agricultural tools, tea sets and other necessities.
such as bamboo box, dustpan and steamers
The main raw materials are bamboo, wood and various types of rattan.
The vertical lines, called "warp", and the horizontal lines, called "weft",
Are intertwined and crisscrossed,
Through flat or 3D weaving techniques,
either densely or sparsely woven,
The lines can be made into various patterns.
Look at this Vase,
It is woven of paper-thin bamboo strips.
The elegant structure and detailed 3D pattern fully reflect beautiful, and practical features of this art.
For thousands of years, this craft has been making breakthroughs and innovations.
It becomes a local pillar industry,
and continues to flourish today.
“解码中华文化基因”系列视频面向国内外“Z世代”群体 , 以60项中国非物质文化遗产为主要内容 , 讲述非遗背后的故事 , 每集2分钟 , 让非遗里的传统文化基因“活起来” 。 系列视频以竖屏构图适应移动传播 , 以青春话语诠释非遗内涵 , 对中华优秀传统文化进行创造性转化和创新性传播 。


总策划:胡芳 孟群
制片人:秦瑜明 吴庆才 齐彬
编创指导:白晓晴 周晓萌 孙洪亮 王婧雯 赵希婧
编创团队:李怡滢 曹航宇 袁志恒 臧英彤 张竞 陈作 刘琦
统筹:王凯 曾鼐