这组作品由三幅组成 , 是用手绘剪纸的形式进行表现的 。
This series of works are made in the form of hand-painted paper cutting.
手绘剪纸在传统剪纸的基础上 , 吸纳了手绘元素 , 增加了视觉冲击力、表现力和感染力;色彩更丰富、形象更鲜明 。
Hand-painted paper cutting absorbs hand-painted elements based on traditional paper cutting, increasing visual impact, expressiveness, and appeal, so its color is richer and its paper-cutting image is more vivid.
第一幅作品《崇尚创新》:双手的姿态是托起 , 各种书籍展翅飞翔 , 博士帽象征知识达到的高度和智慧 。 底色绘制了好多领域的各种符号 。 倡导尊重知识 , 崇尚创新的理念 。 下面的保护知识产权日的标识加上了双翅 , 让思维放飞 , 自由畅想 , 整个画面颜色用的是绿色 , 象征希望 。
As for the first work “Admiring Innovation”, there are two hands holding up many flying books with wings. Above them is a doctoral hat symbolizing knowledge and wisdom. A variety of symbols in many fields are drawn in the background. The concept of this work is to advocate the respect of knowledge and the admiration of innovation. In the bottom of this work, the logo of The World Intellectual Property Day is added with two wings, which means opening up thinking. The tone of the entire picture is green, symbolizing hope.
第二幅《保护产权》:双手的姿态是保护、呵护 。 用灯泡和大脑相结合 , 是创新和发明、点亮智慧之灯 , 灯泡周围的一圈发散的字迹是:保护在工业、科学、文学和艺术领域内由于智力活动而产生的一切权利 。 下面标识的天使的翅膀是呼应保护的主题 。 画面色调是黄橙色 , 象征了温暖和爱的呵护 。
In terms of the second work “Protection of Intellectual Property”, there are two hands holding up a combination of a bulb and a brain with a protective gesture. The image combination is a bulb with a brain inside, which represents a light of innovation, invention and wisdom. A line of words is around the bulb, and it means the protection of all rights produced by intellectual activities in the field of industry, science, literature, and art. The wings of the angel on the two sides of the logo in the bottom of this work are to correspond to the theme of protection. The tone of the entire picture is yellowish orange, symbolizing warm and love.
第三幅《打击盗版》:对于抄袭、侵权、剽窃、盗版等各种违法行为重拳出击 , 绝不手软!中间的字体用了立体黑红双色 , 面上是红色 , 阴影是黑色 , 呼应了抄 , 盗 , 窃的内在的黑假 。 整个色调是红黑色 , 是警示 , 警告 , 警惕和严厉打击!
The name of the third work is “Fighting Against Piracy”. The concept of this work is resolutely cracking down on all kinds of illegal activities such as plagiarism, infringement and piracy, etc. Font of words in the middle of the picture is three-dimensional, with red as font color and black as shadow color, which represents the inner crime of plagiarizing and stealing. The entire tone of this work is reddish black, symbolizing warning, vigilance and severe crime fighting!
策划:姚广宽 刘江波
【|Love Shandong|世界知识产权日,一组原创剪纸海】采访人员:高田 唐晓宁 杨庭栋
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