The graduation ceremony of the first International Chaozhou Opera Culture Research Class was officially held in Guangdong recently.
近日 , “首届国际潮剧文化研究班”结业典礼正式举行 。
This activity not only showed traditional culture such as opera performances, the Chinese cheongsam and intangible cultural heritage project pictures, but also exhibited Guangdong high-tech products and held various economic and trade activities.
本次活动周不仅展示了岭南戏曲文艺表演、中国旗袍、非遗项目图片等广东传统文化 , 还举办了广东高新科技产品和各类经贸对接活动 。
The aesthetic adaptation to the times and the taste of young people may be the reason why such national intangible cultural heritages as Cantonese opera, Cantonese cuisine and Kung Fu tea are so popular.
岭南文化是中华优秀传统文化的重要构成部分 。 适应时代审美与青年口味或许正是粤剧、粤菜、功夫茶这些国家级非物质文化遗产深受欢迎的原因 。
来源 | 羊城晚报?羊城派
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