哈利波特与魔法石英文怎么写( 二 )

3.《哈利波特与魔法石》台词,中英文对照的Key, please. 钥匙Did you think your parents would leave you with nothing? 你以为你父母什么也没留给你?Vault 713. 713号地下金库What's in there, Hagrid? 里面放了什么东西 , 海格?Can't tell you, Harry. 这我可不能告诉你 , 哈利Hogwarts business. Very secret. 那是霍格沃茨的最高机密Stand back. 退后Best not to mention this to anyone. 最好别跟任何人提起这回事I still need…我还需要?A wand. 一根魔杖A wand? You want Ollivanders. 魔杖?好 , 去奥利凡德吧There ain't no place better. 那是最棒的地方Run along there and wait. 你先自己进去看看好吗?I got one more thing to do. Won't be long. 我还有件事要办 , 去去就来Hello? 你好?Hello? 你好?I wondered when I'd be seeing you. 我才在想什么时候会见到你Mr. Potter. 波特先生It seems only yesterday…那好像是昨天才发生的事…that your mother and father were in here buying their first wands. 你父母上这儿来买第一根魔杖Here we are. 我们试试这个Give it a wave. 挥挥看吧Apparently not. 显然不行Perhaps…也许?…this. 这个可以No, no, definitely not. 不行 , 不行 , 绝对不行No matter. 没关系I wonder…我想应该是它Curious. 真稀奇Very curious. 真的是非常稀奇Sorry, but what's curious? 打扰一下 , 你为什么觉得稀奇?I remember every wand I've ever sold. 我记得我卖出的每一根魔杖Mr. Potter. 波特先生It so happens that…凑巧的是?The phoenix whose tail feather resides in your wand. 那只凤凰的一根尾羽给了这魔杖Gave another feather…另外还有一根尾羽给了?Just one other. 另外一根魔杖It is curious 而稀奇的是?That you should be destined for this wand…你注定就要使用这根魔杖…when its brother gave you 因为另一根魔杖的主人给你?That scar. 留下了那道疤痕And who owned that wand? 那根魔杖的主人是谁?We do not speak his name. 他的名字我们不能说The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. 是魔杖选择巫师 , 波特先生It's not always clear why. 原因向来无法理解But I think it is clear…但我想这次很清楚?…that we can expect great things from you. 你将来会有了不起的成就After all. 不管怎么说He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named…那个不能说出名字的人…did great things. 做了些很了不起的事Terrible…yes. 虽然可怕?But great. 但还是很了不起Harry! Harry! 哈利 , 哈利Happy birthday. 生日快乐You all right, Harry? You seem very quiet. 你没事吧?怎么都不吭声呢?He killed my parents, didn't he? 是他杀了我的父母 , 对不对?The one who gave me this. 就是那个害我留下这道疤的人You know, Hagrid. 你知道的 , 海格I know you do. 你一定知道First, and understand this, Harry. 你得先了解一件事 , 哈利Because it's very important 因为这非常重要Not all wizards are good. 巫师并不一定都是好人Some of them go bad. 有些巫师会变坏A few years ago…几年前…there was a wizard who went as bad as you can go. 有个巫师简直坏到骨子里去了His name was V…他的名字叫伏?His name was V…他的名字叫伏?Maybe if you wrote it down? 还是你用写的好了?No, I can't spell it. All right. 不行 , 这字我不会拼 , 好吧?Voldemort. 伏地魔Voldemort? 伏地魔?It was dark times, Harry. 那真是一段可怕的日子 , 哈利Voldemort started to gather some followers. 伏地魔那时聚集了一批爪牙Brought them over to the Dark Side. 说服他人投靠黑暗势力Anyone that stood up to him ended up dead. 反抗他的人全都被杀光Your parents fought against him. 你父母虽然勇敢跟他对抗But nobody lived once he decide to kill them. 但只要是他决定要杀的人 , 没一个能逃过他的毒手Nobody, not one. 没有 , 一个也没有Except you. 只有你例外Me? Voldemort tried to kill me? 我?伏地魔想杀我?Yes. That ain't no ordinary cut on your forehead, Harry. 没错 , 你额头上的疤痕不寻常 , 哈利A mark like that only comes from being touched by a curse. 只有诅咒才会留下那样的疤痕An evil curse. 而且是个邪恶的诅咒What happened to V…? To You-know-Who? 那佛?那个人后来怎么样?Well, some say he died. 这个嘛 , 有人说他死了Codswallop, in my opinion. 但依我看是胡说八道Nope, I reckon he's out there still…不 , 我想他还躲在某个地方…too tired to carry on. 虚弱得无法采取行动But one thing's certain. 但有件事倒是可以确定Something about you stumped him that night. 你那晚让他栽了个大跟斗That's why you're famous. 所以你才会这么有名That's why everybody knows your name. 大家才会全都认识你You're the boy who lived. 你可是大难不死的男孩What are you looking at? 你们在看什么?Blimey, is that the time? 哎呀 , 现在几点啦?Sorry Harry. I'm gonna have to leave you. 对不起 , 哈利 , 我得走了Dumbledore will be wanting his…邓布利多等着要拿他的?Well, he'll be wanting to see me. 好了 , 他等着要见我 。