哈利波特与魔法石英文怎么写( 三 )

4.英文翻译关于哈利波特与魔法石的短文一段短文,很急哈利·波特”为主要特征 , 巫师 , 巫师 , 鬼 , 怪物 , 龙和邪恶 , 正义 。
从电影 , 朋友可以反映了友谊 , 尊重教师 , 在面对困难和邪恶从不flinched面对精神的勇气 。有了这些 , 他们一次又一次地逃避困难 。”
哈利·波特:“这些书与他的两个最好的朋友在霍格沃茨魔法学校的故事 。他们在战斗记录在一起 , 一起分享快乐 , 小弟弟Fenyou扰动的东西 。
一切都是那么的神奇!在魔法世界的萨满 , 很少有老 。当信使猫头鹰 。
杯子 , 帽子 , 被认为是他的开场白 。飞天扫帚是他们的交通工具 , 更可以比作是鸟类和天空 , Qizhao助教会很快就飞到低于几分钟就可到达你想去的地方 。
国际象棋大师将遵循情况下 , 业主会去吧 。为了克 , 他们将继续 。
画像 , 人民生活 , 他们会说话 , 你能跳出自己的像框其他Xiangkuang Xiangkuang车道 。有许多的幽灵城堡 , 他们可以走 , 你可以与任何移动的城堡 , 你可以穿透任何物体 , 有时在搞恶作剧(皮皮鬼) 。
有很多精彩的!难怪我们的小巫师哈利·波特魔法将在世界各地流行 。我最佩服的是哈利·波特和他的伙伴们 , 他们所面临的困难恶灵从不flinched我总是令人难忘 。
(百度翻译) 。
5.哈利波特与魔法石的观后感英文哈利波特一出生便拥有了与伏地魔(杀死哈利父母的恶魔头 , 被称为“神秘人”)作斗争的标志——一道形如闪电的疤痕 。
那是一道非常厉害的魔咒的余痕 , 是哈利妈妈用生命和爱守护住了哈利 , 疤痕既是伤痛也是标志 。由于父母双亡 , 他被姨夫家收养 。
童年时 , 表哥达力总是仗着个头大欺负他 , 就这样熬了11年 。在他11岁生日那天 , 发生了一件不平凡的事 , 改变了他的命运 。
海格(霍格沃茨魔法学校钥匙保管员 , 狩猎场看守)给他送去了一封魔法学校录取信 , 告诉他的身世 。他很高兴的入了学 , 也知道了对角巷等一系列的巫师世界的事物 。
在学校他还认识了两个好朋友 , 一个是傻头傻脑的罗恩 , 另一个是品学兼优的赫敏 。他们一起努力保护魔法石 , 与伏地魔顽强抗争 , 最终捣毁了伏地魔的美梦 , 同时也救了大家 。
福楼拜曾说过:“对不幸的命运越是抱怨 , 越是觉得痛苦;越是想逃避 , 越是觉得恐惧 , 不如去面对它、迎战它、克服它 , 使一切痛苦低头称臣 , 使灿烂的花朵盛开在艰苦耕耘过的土地上 。”哈利波特正是这样 , 他面对困难不低头 , 反而抬起头勇敢的去面对它 , 征服它 。
山中没有笔直的路 , 然而 , 有弯曲 , 才有雄壮 , 正如溪流有阻碍 , 有不平 , 才有歌声!我们的道路不是平坦的 , 是起伏、坑坑洼洼的 , 但我们不能向困难低头 , 要向哈利波特学习 , 做一个正直、正义、勇敢面对困难、藐视困难的人!胜利永远属于坚韧不跋的人 。Harry Porter was born with and Voldemort (demon head, killed Harry's parentsare called "mystery man") sign -- to fight a lightning shaped scar. It is a verypowerful spell marks, Harry is her mother lives with love and keep Harry, scar ispain which marks. After his parents died, he was uncle adoption. In my childhood,cousin Dudley always fight with big bully him, then boil for 11 years. In his 11 years old birthday that day, something extraordinary things, changed his destiny.Hagrid (the Hogg Watts Magic School keeper of the keys, the gamekeeper) sent a letter to his magic school admission letter, tell the story of his life. He was very happy to learn, know the world wizard Diagon Alley and a series of things. Healso made two good friends in school, is a clumsy and stupid Ron, another isexcellent in character and learning of Hermione. They work together to protect the stone, tenacious struggle with Voldemort, and ultimately destroyedVoldemort's dream, but also saved the. Gustave Flaubert once said: "the tragic fate of the complaint, the more painful the more; want to escape, the more feel fear, as well to face it, against it, overcome it, so all the pain and bowing knees,made brilliant flowers blooming in the hard work of land." Such is Harry Porter, hefaced difficulties do not bow their heads, but raised his head and face it bravely,conquer it. No straight roads, however, bending, have strong, as streams of block, rough, have a song! Our road is not flat, is the ups and downs, bumpy, but we can not bow to difficulties, to learn from Harry Potter, do an honest, justice,courage to face difficulties, despised people in difficulties! Victory always you can't outrun. 。