
1.哈利波特与魔法石 英语简介剧情简介:
In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, one-year-old Harry Potter, after losing his parents, comes to his aunt's house and lives a very painful life.
It wasn't until his eleventh birthday that Harry's fate changed. He received a mysterious letter and was invited to a fairy tale place, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft.
Harry finds magic everywhere. He finds friends, learns magic, rides a broomstick and plays Quidditch. He also gets an invisible clothes. He's enjoying his life here.
But a magic stone appears. It will have a bearing on the present and future of the world. With the help of good friends Ron and Hermione, Harry broke through many difficulties, protected the Sorcerer's Stone and finally saved the world.
在《哈利·波特与魔法石》中 , 一岁的哈利·波特失去了父母后 , 便来到了姨妈家 , 过着极其痛苦的日子 。
一直到十一岁生日那天 , 哈利一生的命运才发生了变化 , 他收到了一封神秘的信 , 被邀请去一个童话般的地方一一霍格沃茨魔法学校 。
哈利发现这里到处充满着魔力 , 他既找到了朋友 , 又学会了魔法和骑着飞天扫帚打魁地奇 , 还得到了一件隐形衣 , 他在这里生活得很愉快 。
但一块魔法石出现了 , 它将关系到世界的现在和未来 。哈利在好朋友罗恩和赫敏的帮助下 , 突破了重重困难 , 保护了魔法石 , 终于拯救了世界 。
影片《哈利·波特与魔法石》改编于英国畅销作家J·K·罗琳同名小说 。
电影的剧本是由斯蒂芬·科洛弗所编 , 克里斯·哥伦布执导 , 丹尼尔·雷德克里夫、鲁伯特·格林特、艾玛·沃特森、理查德·哈里斯和伊安·哈特等联袂出演 。影片于2001年11月16日在美国上映 。
电影讲述从小父母双亡的小男孩哈利·波特是魔法师的后代 。他的父母都被一个魔法界的坏巫师所杀 , 然而当坏巫师也企图杀死哈利波特时却被一种巨大的力量给阻止 , 哈利波特因此得以幸存 。
之后他与阿姨一家人同住 , 而且被送往魔法师学校就读 , 发生许多有趣又不可思议的经历 。
早在1997年的时候 , 影片的制片人大卫·海曼就在物色一个儿童片的剧本 , 当他的助手把罗琳的《哈利·波特与魔法石》推荐给海曼时 , 这本书还静静地躺在书店的货架上 , 无人问津 。
海曼接连和罗琳吃了几顿午餐 , 商讨改编的事情 , 最后终于敲定在1999年由斯蒂文·克劳夫斯将这本书改编成电影搬上银幕 。
这是一个开启了十年魔法世界的序曲 , 《哈利·波特与魔法石》凭借将魔法融入满是梦幻的奇想 , 在一群懵懂可人的小演员中以满载欢的剧情乐呈现着正义与友谊的珍贵 。
它虽未有后篇越发暗黑高深的剧情 , 却以一份最为淳朴的简单 , 成为了一部老少皆宜的经典 。(梦里诗书 搜狐新闻、电影网特约影评人 2015-08-01 22:13)
2.哈利波特与魔法石的英文简介我还有一个 这个也是我以前找的 下面这个多了点 The first 《Harry ·wave especially and sorcery stone 》what to relate BE:1-year-old Harry ·the wave appears mysteriously at the 姨 man mother's aunt's house after losing parents especially of before the door.The Harry suffers to bully at 姨 husband's family, spending a decade the day of very pain and sufferings.姨 Man and mother's aunt good the evil spirit is very bad, the son of their devil incarnate reaches dint-a obese ,  娇 spoil, humiliate the person's big piece head, is also add mutually to the Harry's boxing feet.Harry's"room" locates a dark and small cupboard of stairs.Decade to had no factitiousness him to once lead birthday. But at he 11 years old birthday that day, everythings all took place variety, the letter makes the owl bring a seal letter mysteriously:Invite a Harry to 1 him-and all persons who read Harry's story-will feel forever unforgettable and unimaginable fertile 茨 sorcery school of space in the place-霍 .The Harry sought a friend at sorcery school, mastering inflight, ride a make the model number flying a day for the light round 2000, the broom beats 魁 ground strange ball, still have to arrive an invisible dress.He discovers there of everything-from had a class to have a meal sleepings to all was filled with magic, but a piece of and evil stone appeared, it was vitally related with Harry's destiny …… 。