
1.写一篇短文,说说你最喜欢的上学日,英语作文When someone asks me: What is your Chinese dream? I will answer it without any hesitation: to be a good doctor. The reason why I want to be a doctor is that I want to save people's lives as possible as I can. When I was young, I had a terrible car accident. Thanks to the doctors, they brought me back to life. From then on, to be a good doctor has always been an inspiration to me. I will study hard to make sure that my dream will come true in the future. 。
2.求一篇500字英语作文(关于上学日)当你踏进校门,首先映入眼帘的是一座雄伟的升旗台 。
When you set foot in school, the first thing that catches the eye is a magnificent ShengQiTai.
银白的旗杆上,鲜艳的五星红旗迎风飘扬 。
Silvery white flagpole, bright-coloured five-star red flag flying the wind.
旗台的周围,美丽的杜鹃花特别引人注目,叶子经过雨水的冲洗,绿得发亮,显得格外有神 。
Flag of Taiwan, the beauty of the surrounding azaleas especially noteworthy, leaves after the rain, the flush is very bright green, of god.
一簇簇火红的花儿,像燃烧的火苗,随着风儿跳动着 。
Artistic bunches of flowers red, like the burning flame, and with the wind jumpy.
走进校园,就像走进公园一样,校园里绿树成荫,鲜花怒放 。
Walk into the campus, like going into the park, like trees, flowers bloom in the campus.
校道旁边的大榕树,像一把把撑开的绿色雨伞 。
The way to the side of the big banyan, like the green toward open umbrella.
课间时,同学们在这里尽情地嬉戏玩耍 。
During the break, the students here heartily play.
教学楼前,摆着一盆盆盛开着的鲜花,五颜六色,给校园增添了无限的春光 。
Teaching building, put miniascape of flowers blooming, colorful, to the campus added infinite spring day.
最美的是学校的艺术长廊了,透过橱窗,可以看到同学们精美的书法和画画 。
The most beautiful is the school's art gallery, and through the window, you can see the classmates elegant calligraphy and painting.
这里每天都吸引了许多家长、小朋友来观赏,这是我们的光荣 。
Every day here attracted a lot of parents and children to see, this is our glory.
我为我能在这样美丽的学校读书感到自豪,我爱我的学校 。
I can for me in such a beautiful school felt proud, I love my school.
3.用英语写一篇日记:我上学的一天(带翻译)I was so busy today.I got up is at 6:00. Then I had a shower and had a quick beakfest. Next I took the subway to go to school. I had four lessons in this morning. I had lunch at 12:00. After that,I had three lessons in this afternoon. I went to home at 5:00. I had to do her homework at home. I went to bed at 20:00 .
我今天很忙 。我早上6点起床,然后洗了个澡,快速地吃完早饭 。接下来我就坐地铁去学校了 。我早上有4节课 。中午12点我吃中饭 。之后,下午我有3节课 。我5点到家 。我在家做作业,我晚上8点上床睡觉 。
My Day
Today is Monday. I get up at 6:00. I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth. I have noodles for breakfast. I go to school at 7:00. I do morning exercises at 7:50.We have four classes in morning. At 11:30, I'm very hungry. I have lunch at school. I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon. We have three classes in the afternoon. I have computer class and art classes. I like them very much. I go home at 5:30. I do homework after school. My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to bed at 10:00.
I'm happy today!
我6点起床.我我早餐6: 30.我打扫我房间,洗我脸我牙齿刷.我早餐吃面条.我七点钟.我做早操7: 50.我早晨四节课.午11 : 30,我饿.我校吃午饭.我床睡觉,12点.我午三节课.我电脑课艺术课.我非喜欢.我五点半家.我放做作业.我妹妹、哥哥我看电视,晚8点.我洗我脸我牙齿刷.我10点床睡觉.我今高兴!