


In the laboratory, David Yakov works on the functional analysis of compounds contained in Chinese herbal medicine in the hope of developing a cure for leukaemia; in his spare time, he often picks up a paintbrush and prepares a solo exhibition of his paintings.
在实验室 , 大卫·雅科夫致力于中药中所含化合物的功能分析 , 期望着研究出治疗白血病的药物;业余时 , 他则常常拿起画笔 , 准备办一场个人画展 。
Born in Iran, Yakov received his PhD in molecular immunology from the Hebrew University in Israel in 1987 and was the first scholar in the world to discover Fli-1, the main oncogene causing leukaemia. In August of 2013, Professor Yaakov was brought to Guizhou as an expert to work full-time at the Key Laboratory of Natural Products Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Guizhou Province, working on the research of anti-tumour components in Chinese medicine.
雅科夫出生于伊朗 , 1987年在以色列希伯来大学获得分子免疫学博士学位 , 是世界上第一个发现引起白血病主要癌基因Fli-1的学者 。 2013年8月 , 雅科夫教授作为专家人才被引进到贵州 , 全职在贵州省中国科学院天然产物化学重点实验室开展工作 , 致力于中药里抗肿瘤成分的研究 。

Yakov leads team to study anti-tumour components in Chinese medicine雅科夫带领团队对中药里抗肿瘤成分进行研究
【yako|加拿大专家的贵州艺术之旅】Yakov's goal in Guizhou is to use his life's work to find the "code" to fight cancer in Chinese medicine. At present, Professor Yakov and his team have extracted a number of anti-tumour compounds from Chinese medicine and published them in the world's prestigious financial journals for discussion. The team's research has won the International Friendship Award and the second prize in Guizhou Natural Sciences Awards. Besides, they are now at the stage of group experiments, and the next step will be to do clinical trials.
用毕生所学找到中药里的抗癌“密码” , 是雅科夫来贵州的目标 。 目前 , 雅科夫教授和他的团队已从中药里提取了一些抗肿瘤化合物 , 并形成论文发表在世界权威期刊上供大家讨论 , 团队的研究成果获得国际友谊奖以及贵州省自然科学二等奖 , 现在进行到小组实验的阶段 , 下一步还将做临床试验 。

In his spare time, Yakov enjoys drawing. 业余时间 , 雅科夫很喜欢画画
As well as being a scientist, Yakov is also an artist. Since 2021, Yakov has begun to create art, often travelling with friends to different parts of Guizhou to paint. And now he has dozens of paintings, which he hopes to hold an exhibition in 2022, inviting friends from Guizhou to come and see.
科学家的身份之外 , 雅科夫还是一名艺术家 。 从2021年开始 , 雅科夫开始了美术创作 , 常和朋友到贵州各地采风作画 , 目前已有数十幅作品 , 他希望能在2022年举办一场画展 , 邀请贵州的朋友前来观看 。
"Medicine heals the body, art heals the heart". During his nine years in Guizhou, Yakov has gained a lot of beauty and wants to leave even more of it here.
“药物能治病 , 艺术能疗心” , 在贵州的9年时光里 , 雅科夫收获了很多美好 , 也想把更多美好留在这里 。
Reporter: Xu Haiying, Zou min, Li Fangfang, Luo Yuqing, Yang Shucheng