
1. 28岁英文怎么写 28岁的e68a84e8a2ad3231313335323631343130323136353331333366306561英文:twenty-eight years old 一、twenty-eight 英 [t'wenti:'e?t] 美 [t'wenti:'e?t] 二十八 二、years old …岁(指年龄) 1、She was annoyed by me, and I was scared of her, I believe, until I was twenty-eight years old and got tired of it. 我让她不耐烦,她使我恐惧,我相信自己直到二十八岁才对这样的关系感到厌倦 。
2、He was past his prime, being twenty-eight years and three quarters old. 他已经度过了青春年代,现年28岁零9个月 。扩展资料 表示询问年龄的英文: 一、how old are you 英 [hau ?uld ɑ: ju:] 美 [ha? old e(r) ju] 你多大年纪 1、You are so kind, dear, how old are you? 你真是太好了,亲爱的,你多大了? 2、So he first asked some questions, and one of them was: How old are you? 所以他先问了一些问题,其中一个是:你几岁了? 二、what is your age 1、your age: 英 [j?: eid?] 美 [j?r ed?] 芳龄;贵庚 2、what is 是什么 What is your age? I am twelve years old. 你的年龄是多少?我十二岁 。

