外贸函电怎么写( 二 )

3. 外贸函电作文Supposeyouaretheseller, 你想偷懒吗?不行的,老师会打手板心的!我这里写的你不能抄,只能照葫芦画瓢自己写.OK?Dear Buyer,I'm writing to follow up with you on your acceptance of our offer last week.As you may have already learned,our product meets your expectations perfectly.Our delivery will fit into your schedule better than our competitors.We did talk about the price of this product during our negotiation a few days back.But I'm happy to let you know that our bulk sale price can go down even 10% further provided you increase your order quantity by 10%.And this new offer will end by the end of this week due to the raw material price hike the week after.Please let me know if you are ready to place an order with us.Should you have any questions,I'm always ready here for you.Talk to you soon!Regards,世界这么乱草 。
4. 有没有英文版的外贸函电范文 SPECIMEN:ASKING FOR LOWERING THE PRICE Dear Sirs, RE:COUNTER-OFFER FOR BICYCLES Thank you for your letter about the offer for the captioned bicycles 。
Although we appreciate the quality of your bicycles, their price is too high to be acceptable。Refering to the Sales Confirmation No 。
89SP-754,you will find that we ordered 1000bicycles with same brand as per the terms and conditions stipulated in that Sales Comfirmation, but the price was 10%lower than your present price 。Sinece we placed the last order,price for raw materials has been decreased consider ablely 。
Retailing price for your bicycles here has also been reduced by 5% 。Accepting your present price will mean great loss to us , let alone profit 。
We would like to place repeat orders with you if you could reduce your price at least by 1 。5% 。
【外贸函电怎么写】Otherwise, we have to shift to the other suppliers for our similar request 。We hope you take our suggestion into serious consideration and give us your reply as soon as possible yours truely 。
5. 外贸函电求翻译 外贸函电求翻译亲爱的先生们,Foreign trade correspondence translation dear gentlemen,我获悉你们行名及地址从杂志的亚洲生产供给和需求 。
我现在写你希望与贵公司建立业务关系 。I have obtained your name and address from the magazine of the Asian production supply and demand. I write you now hope to establish business relations with your company.我知道你正在寻找供应商的孜然种子 。
与此同时,我们可以为你提供你想要的 。我们公司是一家专业进出口国有企业,主要从事各种各样的调味料和食品包括I know you are looking for suppliers of cumin seeds. At the same time, we can provide you with what you want. Our company is a professional import and export of state-owned enterprises, mainly engaged in all kinds of spices and food included大蒜、孜然籽、红辣椒、核桃仁、花生和炮击南瓜种子 。
我们的产品是各种并出口到东南亚、中东国家和其他国家 。Garlic, cumin seeds, red pepper, walnuts, peanuts and shelled pumpkin seeds. Our products are various and exported to southeast Asia, the Middle East and other countries.请尽快回复 。
我要感谢你的回复 。Please reply as soon as possible. I want to thank you for your reply.你忠实的,You are loyal,王先生Mr. Wang, 。
6. 写一篇外贸函电还盘范文 Sep.30,2007
After receiving your letter of Sep.8,2007.We have to regret to reject it again the second time because your price has a long distance with our prospected ones.
However to step up our trade ,we consult our clients for several times and they agree to purchase at USD12.80per carton.So please response quickly for this price . So that we can make further decisions.
We await you good news.
Your faithfully,
Miss ****
7. 外贸函电建立商务关系的函电怎么写 外贸函电是我们建立对外贸易关系和外贸往来的重要手段 。外贸函电包括建立客户业务关系,询价,报盘,还盘,订货,接受,签约,包装,装运,支付,结算,保险,商检,索赔,代理及仲裁等到几项特殊贸易形式和经济技术合作 。