1. 全涤斑马纹超柔剪毛布盔蓝色英文怎么写 Super soft cut wool helmet blue polyester zebra grain
2. 南柯一梦的英文怎么说 南柯一梦,汉语成语 。形容一场大梦,或比喻一场空欢喜 。
a fond dream;
an empty dream
在影片中,爱丽丝已经芳龄19,重新回到童年“兔子洞”里的魔幻世界,因此知道这一切只不过是南柯一梦 。
This Alice, at the ripe young age of 19, is returning to the magical world of her childhood, so she knows it's all a dream.
3. 加拿大国徽的英文 Arms of Canada
Canada's National Emblem is the maple leaf, featured predominately in the Canadian Flag. No one single person can be credited with the design of the maple leaf flag. Indeed, the design arose based on a strong sense of Canadian history and a result of a collaborative effort.
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