英语单词英雄怎么写( 二 )

当男主角策马向夕阳驰去时,尾声音乐逐渐消失 。3. The hero smote the giant with his sword.
英雄用剑猛劈巨人 。4. The most unrealistic thing about romantic fiction is that the heroine always marries Mr Right and the hero always marries Miss Right.
浪漫小说中最不真实的事情就是:女主角总是嫁给了意中人,男主角总是娶到了心上人 。5. He acquitted himself like a hero.
他表现得像个英雄 。6. The hero was dauntless.
那个英雄英勇绝伦 。7. At the end of the film, the hero wept bitterly.
在影片的结尾,主人公伤心地哭了 。8. He is a fabulous hero in that book.
在那本书中他是个传奇式的英雄 。

